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Title page for etd-0630112-214943
Cultural Intelligence:Its Influence on Knowledge Sharing and Innovative Behavior
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cross-cultural environment, innovative behavior, knowledge sharing, cultural intelligence
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經由來自國內外131位外國專業人員的工作經驗調查中發現,具有較高文化智商者能夠更高度展現其創新行為。相對應地,擁有較高的後設認知文化智商、 認知文化智商和動機文化智商者,將引發更多知識分享行為。而知識分享也對創新行為有正面影響。除此之外,透過知識分享的中介效果,在認知文化智商對於創新行為的關係上有顯著影響。
Nowadays, human resource management transforms the business into globalization, and globalization trend changes the management of human resource as well. Therefore, given the importance for enterprises to figure out the factors to cultivate competitive advantages among foreign professionals in a cross-cultural working environment and improve the innovation process and work performance in advance, this research will discuss how cultural intelligence and knowledge sharing impact individuals’ innovative behavior.

Consequently, from an empirical investigation with 131 foreign professionals supported the notion that with higher cultural intelligence perceived higher innovative behavior. Correspondingly, higher metacognitive CQ, motivational CQ and motivational CQ lead to higher knowledge sharing. In addition, knowledge sharing has positive impact on innovative behavior. Furthermore, the relationships between cognitive CQ and innovative behavior were mediated through knowledge sharing.
目次 Table of Contents
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives 4
1.3 Expected Contribution 5
1.4 Research Procedure 6
2.1 Cultural Intelligence 8
2.1.1 Culture 8
2.1.2 Concept of Cultural Intelligence 9
2.2Innovative Behavior 12
2.2.1 Innovation 12
2.2.2 Concept of Innovative Behavior 13
2.2.3 CQ and Innovative Behavior 15
2.3 Knowledge Sharing 18
2.3.1 Knowledge 18
2.3.2 Concept of Knowledge Sharing 19
2.3.3 Knowledge Sharing and Other Constructs 20
3.1 Theoretical Framework 31
3.2 Hypotheses 33
3.3 Instrument and Measurement 38
3.3.1 Cultural Intelligence 38
3.3.2 Knowledge Sharing 40
3.3.3 Innovative Behavior 41
3.4 Sampling 43
3.5 Data Analysis 44
4.1 Sampling Description 47
4.2 Research Dimension Identification 52
4.2.1 Reliability Analysis 52
4.2.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis 53
4.3 Correlation between Research Dimension 60
4.4 Interrelationship between Research Variables 61
4.5 Summary 80
5.1 Research Conclusion 84
5.2 Practical Implication 89
5.3 Limitation and Future Research 93

Figure 1.1 Research procedures 7
Figure 3.1 Theoretical framework 31
Figure 4.1 CFA of cultural intelligence 55
Figure 4.2 CFA of knowledge sharing 57
Figure 4.3 CFA of innovative behavior 59

Table 3.1 Questionnaire items of cultural intelligence 39
Table 3.2 Questionnaire items of knowledge sharing 40
Table 3.3 Questionnaire items of innovative behavior 42
Table 4.1 Descriptive data 49
Table 4.2 Reliability analysis 53
Table 4.3 Convergent validity of cultural intelligence 55
Table 4.4 Convergent validity of knowledge sharing 58
Table 4.5 Convergent validity of innovative behavior 59
Table4.6 Mean, standard deviation and correlation matrix of all variables 61
Table 4.7 Regression results of cultural intelligence on innovative behavior 63
Table 4.8 Regression results of four dimensions of CQ on intentional creation 63
Table 4.9 Regression results of four dimensions of CQ on introduction 64
Table 4.10 Regression results of four dimensions of CQ on application 64
Table 4.11 Regression results of cultural intelligence on knowledge sharing 66
Table 4.12 Regression results of four dimensions of CQ on knowledge donating 66
Table 4.13 Regression results of four dimensions of CQ on knowledge collecting 66
Table 4.14 Regression results of knowledge sharing on innovative behavior 68
Table 4.15 Regression results of knowledge donating and knowledge collecting on intentional creation 68
Table 4.16 Regression results of knowledge donating and knowledge collecting on introduction 69
Table 4.17 Regression results of knowledge donating and knowledge collecting on application 69
Table 4.18 Mediation effect of knowledge sharing to cultural intelligence on innovative behavior 71
Table 4.19 Mediation effect of KSD to meta CQ and cog CQ on intentional creation 72
Table 4.20 Mediation effect of KSD to moti CQ on intentional creation 72
Table 4.21 Mediation effect of KSC to meta CQ and cog CQ on intentional creation 73
Table 4.22 Mediation effect of KSC to moti CQ on intentional creation 73
Table 4.23 Mediation effect of KSD to meta CQ and cog CQ on introduction 75
Table 4.24 Mediation effect of KSD to moti CQ on introduction 75
Table 4.25 Mediation effect of KSC to meta CQ and cog CQ on introduction 76
Table 4.26 Mediation effect of KSC to moti CQ on introduction 76
Table 4.27 Mediation effect of KSD to meta CQ and cog CQ on application 78
Table 4.28 Mediation effect of KSD to moti CQ on application 78
Table 4.29 Mediation effect of KSC to meta CQ and cog CQ on application 79
Table 4.30 Mediation effect of KSC to moti CQ on application 79
Table 4.31 Results of hypotheses 80
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