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博碩士論文 etd-0703114-220052 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0703114-220052
The relationship between the breadth of professional competency and career management
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
career, professional career, competence, career development, career management
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未來員工(學生)對職涯發展及專業能力的關聯有更深遠的觀察。 並輔以訪談業界高階主管,了解實務上專業職能廣度對職涯發展的影響,期望發現一套對組織及個人職涯管理都實用的運作模式。根據研究結果顯示,多項專業有助於個人職涯發展,組織亦可透過工作輪調來培養儲備人才的跨功能專業職能。顯而易見的是,跨專業人才將成為未來職場的主要趨勢。
Current studies around competence in Taiwan mostly focus on that in relation to certain skilled professions, management levels or the establishment of specific competence scales. There are many researches related to career planning, including individual career management and the combination of individual career management and organizational career management. However, there are few discussions regarding how the breadth of professional competence develops and influences individuals or organizations during career development.
This research collected data for each construct from various sources and provide a different viewpoint to employer, employees and future employees (students) with the relationship between career development and professional competence. Based on seveal interviews with managerial supervisors, this research hopes to provide a deeper investigation of how professional competence influence on career development and figure out a practical pattern for organization and invidual career management.
According to the research result, the characteristic of multi- professional
competencies would contribute to individual career management. And organizations could train and develop management associates’ cross-function professional competencies by job rotation.It is obvious that talents with multi- professional competencies will lead the trend in future work place.
目次 Table of Contents
學位論文審定書 ................................................................................................................................ II
論文摘要 .......................................................................................................................................... III
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................................... IV
LIST OF CONTENT .............................................................................................................................. VI
LIST OF FIGURE .................................................................................................................................VII
LIST OF TABLE ...................................................................................................................................VII
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1
1.1 RESEARCH BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 RESEARCH MOTIVATION AND OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................. 3
1.3 FLOW CHART OF THE RESEARCH PROCESS ................................................................................................ 5
CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................... 6
2.1 THE DEFINITION OF COMPETENCY ........................................................................................................... 6
2.2 PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCY .............................................................................................................. 11
2.3 CAREER, CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND CAREER MANAGEMENT ................................................................... 16
2.3.1 The definition of career ........................................................................................................ 16
2.3.2 Career planing, Career development and Career management ........................................... 19
CHAPTER 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................................................... 26
3.1 RESEARCH FRAMEWORK ..................................................................................................................... 26
3.2 RESEARCH DESIGN............................................................................................................................. 27
3.3 CASE STUDY ..................................................................................................................................... 28
3.4 IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 28
3.5 RESEARCH P ARTICIPANT ...................................................................................................................... 29
3.6 RESEARCH PROCEDURE ...................................................................................................................... 30
CHAPTER 4. ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................. 32
4.1 COMPANY INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 32
4.2 ORGANIZAITON CHART ....................................................................................................................... 34
4.3 ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................................... 36
CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................ 42
5.1 RESEARCH FINDINGS .......................................................................................................................... 42
5.2 SUGGESTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 44
5.2.1 Suggestions for students ....................................................................................................... 44
5.2.2 Suggestions for employees ................................................................................................... 45
5.2.3 Suggestions for organization ................................................................................................ 45
5.3 LIMITATION OF THE PRESENT STUDY....................................................................................................... 46
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 48
APPENDIX A: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS .............................................................................................. 52
APPENDIX B: INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTION ....................................................................................... 53
Figure 1-1 Research Process Flow ................................................................................. 5
Figure 2-1 Competency Iceberg ..................................................................................... 7
Figure 2-2 Cheetham and Chivers’srevised model of professional competence ......... 13
Figure 2-3 Career development system- Linking organizational needs with individual
needs ................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 3-1 Research Framework .................................................................................. 26
Figure 4-1 Corporation Organization Chart ................................................................. 34
Figure 4-2 Business Group Organization Chart ........................................................... 35
Figure 4-3 the difference between single profession and multi- profession ................ 37
Table 2-1 Comparasion of Traditional and Protean Career .......................................... 20
Table 2-2 Definition of Career Development .............................................................. 22
Table 3-1 Differences between Qualitative Research Method and Quantitave Research
Method .............................................................................................................. 27
Table 3-2 Background of Participants .......................................................................... 30
Table 5-1 Research Proposition ................................................................................... 43
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