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博碩士論文 etd-0703114-224819 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0703114-224819
A Study of the Relationship between Internal Marketing and Internal Branding
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Internal Marketing, Construction Industry, Internal Branding
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The brand is not only the important medium, but also the guaranty of quality for customers to decrease the anxiety of products. Besides, the real estate is classified as high-priced products, so except the price and location which are general items of consumers’ purchasing decision, the brand of construction company is also the one of key points when people purchase the construction programs. Before construction companies progress the external marketing which is corporate brand management and brand value building, they should make sure their internal employees can internalize the branding effectively and set up a strong brand value for these companies from inside to outside. Therefore, this study intends to probe how to accomplish internal branding perfectly by internal marketing from the view of corporate culture and proposes 11 propositions basing on the research result as follow:
1.The construction company considers the internal branding is a kind of building or recreating of corporate culture.
2.The construction company adopts internal branding to transform employees’ thinking and enhance their active behavior.
3.In order to form a system which can plan internal brand process persistently and systematically, the construction company always assigns this work to HR department.
4.The awareness of internal branding which the construction companies possess will have positive effect on internal branding.
5.When the construction company adopts the internal communication to do the internal branding, formal meetings and creating an open and easy environment to communication are the common ways.
6.When the leaders involve into the process of internal branding, it is helpful to implement the internal branding and raise employees’ brand promise.
7.When the construction company adopts the internal communication to do the internal branding, the professional technical trainings convey the brand spirit more than general brand training.
8.The personnel management in the construction company doesn’t connect with brand and need to be improved. Recruiting is basing on professional.
9.When the construction company adopts the employee involvement in external communication to do the internal branding, selling the project by itself would let employees realize the brand spirit more than selling through the real estate company.
10.The awareness of internal branding which the construction companies possess will have positive effect on internal marketing.
11.The internal marketing which the construction companies adopt will have positive effect on internal branding.
目次 Table of Contents
1.1 Research Background and Motivations 1
1.2 Research Purpose 4
2.1 Internal Marketing 6
2.2 Internal Branding 10
2.3 The Relationship between Internal Marketing and Internal Branding 14
3.1 Methodology 16
3.2 The Research Framework 17
3.3 Sampling of In-depth Interview 18
3.4 Data Collection of In-depth Interview 20
4.1 Introduction of Construction Industry 23
4.2 The Content and Analysis of In-depth Interview 29
5.1. Research Conclusion 42
5.2. Managerial Implication and Recommendations 48
5.3. Research Limitations and Further Research 49
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