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博碩士論文 etd-0704106-133156 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0704106-133156
降低NOx氮氧化物措施之技術選擇與成本效益論析- 以燃煤鍋爐為例
The technology selections and cost-benefit analysis of NOx reduction measures-The case study of coal-firing boilers
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Multi-criteria decision-making(MCDM), environmental coal, Nitrogen Oxide, Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction(SNCR)
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CSC公司W522動力工場三座燃煤鍋爐在設計上可燃用多種燃料 ,以燃煤為主要燃料,原始設計是燃用PCI 煤炭,經在鍋爐燃燒後NOx氮氧化物排放濃度約320ppm已無法符合2001年環保法規標準 (NOx<300ppm) ,為因應日趨嚴苛的環保法規要求 ,第一階段為評估NOx污染防治減量技術,經以「多評準決策」(Multi-criteria decision-making:MCDM) 方式評估多種己商業化之NOx 減量技術方案後,以選擇性非觸媒還原( SNCR)技術為最佳方案,NOx 減量能力可達45%,並控制NOx在承諾值200 ppm以下,又配合NOx污染物排放總量管制下,最後控制NOx排放在240 ppm以下,因此可以減少藥費成本支出又可符合環保標準。

第二階段評估NOx減量方案,經從煤種成份分析與試燒後,則以ADARO環保煤為最佳選擇, 根據評估結果, 燃用ADARO環保煤不但可符合環保要求,又達到NOx減量效果,可減少污染物硫氧化物、氮氧化物及煤灰之產出 ,同時也可減少空污費用與煤灰處理費等支出,明顯降低運轉成本,具有經濟效益,因此證明「環保」與「經濟」是具有正面相關。


關鍵詞 : 氮氧化物、SNCR選擇性非觸煤還原、環保煤、多評準決策
The decrement of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emission can slow down the impaction to the natural environment as well as avoiding the global warming become worse continuously.
The three coal fired boilers in CSC were designed as capable of multi-fuel burning but its primary fuel is coal. The original designed coal is PCI coal from Australia. The NOx emission generating while using PCI coal is around 320 ppm and can,t meet the local EPA emission requirement set for year 2001, which is 300ppm. To cope with more stringent environmental requirement, the first stage strategy is to evaluate the NOx removal technologies and selecting the optimum one of them to fight against NOx emission. By means of MCDM (Multi-Criteria Decision-Making) methodologies, SNCR is chosen due to its simplicity and acceptable NOx-out ability. The 45% NOx reduction rate can be achieved and the control NOx final output will be lower than 200ppm, which is the promised level to the local EPA. In compromising the NOx reduction requirement and the practical running cost factor, the 240ppm NOx level has been determined for operating the SNCR system.
The second stage of NOx reduction evaluation is focused on the coal brands selection. It,s believed that through the right choose of suitable coal can offer the contribution to both environment and economic. After surveying the different coal composition analysis and carrying out real trial burn, the ADARO coal from Indonesia was picked up from competition and deem as the most environment friendly coal in terms of owning the optimum coal compositions and the lowest pollutants generation including NOx, SO2, as well as ash. As a result, the ADARO coal application is highly successful in the aspects of less pollutant generation and saving cost expenditure caused by the related environment equipment systems operation and maintenance. Obviously, the positive and close relationship between environment and economic has been proved.
Base on the real evidence, this paper proves that by choosing the suitable methodologies, the NOx reduction can be accomplished to some extent. The whole environment can be benefited by this action and meanwhile the air pollution tax plus operation and maintenance cost can be reduced further. It,s hoped that by announcing this paper, the outstanding performance of remarkable NOX reduction outcome and its coat saving advantage can be applied to the whole industrial field. Let,s work together for the purpose of decreasing the pollutants emission, lightening the harms to the natural environment and fulfilling the duties of protection the all eco system.

Key words: Nitrogen Oxide, Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction(SNCR), environmental coal, Multi-criteria decision-making(MCDM)
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究範圍與方法 7
第三節 研究目的 8
第四節 研究限制 9
第五節 研究步驟與架構 10
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 環境保護文獻 11
第二節 降低環境污染文獻 12
第三節 創新技術與技術擴散效果對污染控制之文獻 14
第四節 環境成本與經濟效益文獻 16
第五節 燃煤發電污染防治 17
第三章 燃煤鍋爐氮氧化物(NOx)減量技術評估 19
第一節 降低燃煤鍋爐NOx氮氧化物方法 19
第二節 燃煤鍋爐NOx減量技術評估分析 20
第三節 方案評估與因素權重 23
第四節 降低燃煤鍋爐NOx氮氧化物增設SNCR非選擇觸煤脫硝系統 25
第五節 SNCR脫硝系統降低燃煤鍋爐NOx效益 29
第四章 燃煤鍋爐燃用ADARO環保煤之效益 30
第一節 最適煤種選擇 30
第二節 環保煤試燒 33
第三節 環保煤特性 34
第四節 燃用環保煤效益 36
一、降低煙氣NOx氮氧化物污染源排放效益 36
二、降低煙氣SOx氮氧化物污染源排放效益 37
三、降低煤灰處理費效益 38
四、降低購煤成本 39
五、增加設備運轉用電成本 40
六、燃煤鍋爐改燃用印尼ADARO環保煤後總效益 41
第五節 燃用環保煤效益 41
一、 有形效益 41
二、 無形效益 42
第五章 結論與建議 43
第一節 結論 43
第二節 未來研究方向 44
附表 45
參考文獻 58
附錄 61
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