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Strategic HRM、Knowledge-based Global Competence、Knowledge Accumulation Mode、Knowledge Creation Mode、Learning Culture
Learning Culture, Knowledge-based Global Competence, Knowledge Creation Mode, Strategic HRM, Knowledge Accumulation Mode
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As the traditional sources of competitive advantage can no longer provide a sustainable edge for business; the contemporary approach to global business strategy point to core competencies, invisible assets, and organizational capabilities as key factors influencing MNC’s long-term success in global markets. An organization’s intellectual assets are said to be a pack of knowledge under that firm’s ownership or control, through services and the embodiment in firm’s outputs to flow over time period. Knowledge especially has become the most strategically important resource and the potential to compete for advantages among MNCs to advance themselves in the information-driven societies.

Derived from theoretical origins of resource-based view and behavioral perspective, an integrative framework from a sample set of 129 further concludes six determinants that enable MNC to build layers of knowledge-based global competence to compete and sustain advantages globally using structural equation modeling (SEM).
Human interface, ISO, and parent innovation are found to have direct effect to firm’s knowledge-based global competence, while IT, transnational innovation, and substantial investment in human capital are found to link indirectly through mediating effect of learning culture.

From the resource perspective of the firm, as emerging country in its early phase of internationalization as Taiwan, local capabilities for knowledge innovation at host await to be developed over time and hence focal units rely on knowledge inflows from parent to assist their needs. Such interdependence between globally linked and locally leveraged for innovation makes externalized knowledge important for effective knowledge diffusion across network of subsidiaries aside from use of personnel flows for transferring implicit knowledge, IT for transferring explicit knowledge, and ISO for transferring codified knowledge, each requires good integration mechanisms to keep culture, language, and communication barriers to the minimum in cross-cultural settings. Investment in human capital and implementation of learning culture can benefit company enormously from movement of people either horizontally or vertically in terms of learning and sharing through socialization, and building a network of cross-functional interdependence for transferring knowledge, expertise, and sets of common goals and values for synergy.
As the traditional sources of competitive advantage can no longer provide a sustainable edge for business; the contemporary approach to global business strategy point to core competencies, invisible assets, and organizational capabilities as key factors influencing MNC’s long-term success in global markets. An organization’s intellectual assets are said to be a pack of knowledge under that firm’s ownership or control, through services and the embodiment in firm’s outputs to flow over time period. Knowledge especially has become the most strategically important resource and the potential to compete for advantages among MNCs to advance themselves in the information-driven societies.

Derived from theoretical origins of resource-based view and behavioral perspective, an integrative framework from a sample set of 129 further concludes six determinants that enable MNC to build layers of knowledge-based global competence to compete and sustain advantages globally using structural equation modeling (SEM).
Human interface, ISO, and parent innovation are found to have direct effect to firm’s knowledge-based global competence, while IT, transnational innovation, and substantial investment in human capital are found to link indirectly through mediating effect of learning culture.

From the resource perspective of the firm, as emerging country in its early phase of internationalization as Taiwan, local capabilities for knowledge innovation at host await to be developed over time and hence focal units rely on knowledge inflows from parent to assist their needs. Such interdependence between globally linked and locally leveraged for innovation makes externalized knowledge important for effective knowledge diffusion across network of subsidiaries aside from use of personnel flows for transferring implicit knowledge, IT for transferring explicit knowledge, and ISO for transferring codified knowledge, each requires good integration mechanisms to keep culture, language, and communication barriers to the minimum in cross-cultural settings. Investment in human capital and implementation of learning culture can benefit company enormously from movement of people either horizontally or vertically in terms of learning and sharing through socialization, and building a network of cross-functional interdependence for transferring knowledge, expertise, and sets of common goals and values for synergy.
目次 Table of Contents
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