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博碩士論文 etd-0708115-153418 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0708115-153418
A Study of Factors for Taiwan Multinational Corporation Expatriates Intent to stay
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adaptation, organization support, motivation, ASENA, Multinational Corporation, expatriate
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Due to the rapid growth of current global information flow, global distribution became the major topics as the companies responding to the market changes. To face off such changes, the early Taiwanese companies often moved their production lines toward China as the first choice of investment, which can be proved by the growth trend of invest amount to China. Nevertheless, more and more companies turned to invest the ASENA countries recently due to the Hire Act released in China. Those transnational companies also start to emphasize on regional integration management with Taiwan.

There is an argument shown the multinational companies reduced the investment proportion to China, which can be observed from the reduction of investment transfer funds and the shift of investment toward the other competitive areas. In the early mainland China, low labor cost attracts oversea investments. However, since Chinese government announced the Employment Contract Law, this law destroys the advantages from low labor cost. Therefore, those companies originally invested in China starts to shift their investment to ASEAN countries or the other areas. Under this migration, it is expected that the number of multinational companies will be blooming in the near future. The investment proportion to ASEAN countries will be larger than mainland China.

There have many studies on the correlation factors of managing Taiwanese expatriates in China. However, most of studies did not identify the personnel from manufacturing or the other functions. Because the recent investment in outside of China is substantially increase, the continuous studies of those expatriates for multinational assignments are important for Taiwanese multinational companies.

Many recent invest companies outside of China will reduce and ignore the expatriates’ long term care of adaptation in the expatriate location. This will lead to talent loss and cause in rising enterprises employing cost1. The expatriate care should be reinforced and come with the care plan, budget, and implementation.

Providing motivation and delivering career development plan are necessary for the expatriates. Besides, the rapid economic development in China and the ASEAN countries will have great opportunities for those expatriates. With such supports and opportunities, it will be easier to attract more volunteers to take the assignments. Those functional items from this study can be applied to those future expatriates for training, and also help the expatriates to have better life aboard.

The self-adaptability is important for the expatriates to make them face to contact people to take care of any issues. If they cannot adapt the environment by themselves, there will have a negative impact. Therefore, the organization shall educate the expatriates with a proper concept to adapt the environment before the assignments.
目次 Table of Contents
國立中山大學研究生論文審書 .......................................................................... i
中文摘要 ..........................................................................................................ii
Abstract ......................................................................................................... iv
Index of Content .......................................................................................... vi
Index of Figures .......................................................................................... vii
Index of Tables ........................................................................................... viii
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1
1.1 Research Background ................................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Motivation..................................................................................... 14
1.3 Research Purposes ....................................................................................... 17
1.4 Research process…………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
Chapter 2 Literature Review....................................................................... 19
2.1 Multinational corporation............................................................................. 19
2.2 Career Planning ............................................................................................ 22
2.3 Family Factors .............................................................................................. 23
2.4 Expatriate Motivation .................................................................................. 24
2.5 Organization Supports ................................................................................. 26
2.6 Expatriate Adaptations................................................................................. 28
2.7 Intent to Stay ................................................................................................ 32
Chapter 3 Research Method .......................................................................... 35
3.1 General Interview Guidance Method .......................................................... 35
3.2 Research framework .................................................................................... 35
3.3 Research Approach ...................................................................................... 37
3.4 Interview Outline ......................................................................................... 37
3.5 Interviewee Background .............................................................................. 38
Chapter 4 Analysis Findings ......................................................................... 41
4.1 Career Planning、Expatriate Motivation and Intent to Stay ....................... 41
4.2 Family factors、Expatriate Motivation and Intent to Stay .......................... 42
4.3 Expatriate Motivation and Intent to Stay ..................................................... 44
4.4 Organization Supports and Intent to Stay .................................................... 46
4.5 Expatriate Adaptation and Intent to Stay .................................................... 47
Chapter 5 Conclusion ................................................................................... 50
5.1 Major Findings .............................................................................................. 50
5.2 Suggestion .................................................................................................... 52
5.3 Limitation ..................................................................................................... 53
Reference ....................................................................................................... 55
Appendix I................................................................................................... 62
Appendix II.................................................................................................. 63
Index of Figures
Figure 1-1 (Taiwan GDP share, from2002~2012) ..................................................... 5
Figure 1-2 (PRC GDP share, from 1990~2012) ........................................................ 7
Figure 1-3 (Japan GDP share, from 1997~2011) ....................................................... 7
Figure 1-4 (USA GDP share, from 1997~2011) ........................................................ 8
Figure 1-5 (Research process) ….............................................................................. 18
Figure 3-1 (Research Framework)............................................................................. 36

Index of Tables
Table 1-1 (Cross-strait trade and Economic Statistics) .............................................. 3
Table 3-1 (Background of Interviewees) ................................................................. 38
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