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博碩士論文 etd-0709101-185802 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0709101-185802
The research of mid-age worker's attitude of career and commitment
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Career transition, Adjustment of change, Attitude of career, Key Word:Career
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1. 未婚者、主管者、大專(學)教育程度者有較多的比例是低傳統高未來生涯觀者,而非主管有較多的比例是高傳統低未來生涯觀者。
2. 已婚者、最小子女年齡較輕者、高中以下的教育程度、年資較資深者、任職公營企業者、及無失業經驗者有較高的組織承諾。
3. 子女年齡較長者、從事技術類的工作者、及家裡就業人數較少者有較高的整體的專業承諾。
4. 高傳統低未來生涯觀者較低傳統高未來生涯觀者有較低的自信心、較少的自我啟發、及有較高的整體組織承諾。

Due to the variation of industrial structure and the downing of economical prosperity, the issues and news of 「mid-age unemployment」 were continuous spread widely by medium and spoken communication recently. 「unemployment」was not the monopoly for mid-age worker, but the influence of mid-age unemployment will be the 「problem of problems」. Normally mid-age worker got ten or twenty more years work experience, his or her work contents and habitual behavior were deep rooted. It’s not easy to get with the variation of external environment within a day. Because of the fast moving of science and technology with each passing day, a kind of new work mould was forming. It’s e-work mould. To the mid-age worker, the e-work mould was totally different from the traditional work mould. The influence it brings was appeared, it’s「the career of uncertain」.
How will the mid-age worker face the possibility of unemployment, uncertain career, getting with the work mould transition, even the entire alter of work career form, and this will affect individual’s living and destiny. In this research, we will learn the viewpoint of mid-age worker of their career status、planning、development and the career transition or changing. And how they treat the career variation and how they adjust the way they get with it. Most of all we would like to find out the result of how attitude of career rated in organizational commitment and professional commitment of mid-age worker comparatively. And offer suggestion to who need to be advised.
The result of this research were:
1. Unmarried、superintendent、and college-educated level were rated in low traditional and high prospective attitude of career comparatively. Subordinate was rated in high traditional and low prospective attitude of career comparatively.
2. Married、younger children to raise、high school educated、senior worker、public officer and without unemployment experience worker were rated in high organizational commitment comparatively.
3. Older children to raise、technical worker, and few of family members who got job to do were rated in high professional commitment comparatively.
4. High traditional low future attitude of career were rated in less confidence, lower self-awake ness and highly organizational commitment comparatively.

目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
附錄三中年工作者與生涯規劃之研究訪談內容整理………………… VI

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