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博碩士論文 etd-0710108-145402 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0710108-145402
Business Models
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Date of Submission
Innovation, Business Models, Electronic Commerce, Internet Marketing
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With the growing trend of globalization, the local OEM businesses in Taiwan are facing challenges from their global counterparts. This is mainly because the globalization results in the international specialization in production. The operation model based on the large-scale production to reduce the unit cost has to change because OEM business face dropping profits year by year and the profit is far less than that from the OBM. In addition, the counterparts in China and the other Southeast Asia countries grab the OEM market share with the low labor cost advantage. To address these challenges, many OEM manufacturers establish subsidiary companies overseas to reduce the production costs.
Recent years, the information asymmetry between the customers and suppliers is on the decline due to the advance in Internet and information technology. As the OEM manufacturers can obtain the market information easily, the relationship among upper, middle and lower streams in the supply chain has also changed. The OEM manufacturers in Taiwan can try to set up a new business operation model and find out an optimum Internet marketing strategy in order to expand the market. New market can be created and new customers can be acquired through the Internet marketing.
This study focuses on a new operation model of the target company that sells custom sports goods to global market directly through the Internet platform, and also analyzes the strategy and outcomes of developing global market through Internet marketing. This study can provide a new way of thinking for the Taiwan OEM manufacturers about their first leap into global market.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 .........................................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機........................................................................................1
1.2 研究目的與架構........................................................................................2
第二章 文獻探討…................................................................5
2.1 市場目標定位理論...................................................................................... 5
2.2 創新.........................................................................................................10
2.2.1 微笑曲線與大笑曲線........................................................................12
2.2.2 創新的源起......................................................................................14
2.2.3 創新的定義......................................................................................14
2.2.4 創新的種類......................................................................................16
2.2.5 創新的模型......................................................................................17
2.3 電子商務..................................................................................................18
2.3.1 電子商務起源與發展........................................................................18
2.3.2 電子商務的定義...............................................................................19
2.3.3 網路行銷..........................................................................................22
2.4 商業模型..................................................................................................25
第三章 研究設計…..............................................................35
3.1 商業模型探索............................................................................................36
3.2 市場定位規劃...........................................................................................42
3.2.1 市場區隔..........................................................................................42
3.2.2 目標市場..........................................................................................43
3.2.3 市場定位..........................................................................................44
3.3 行銷活動規劃...........................................................................................45
3.4 效益與風險評估.......................................................................................46
3.4.1 效益評估.........................................................................................46
3.4.2 風險評估.........................................................................................47
3.5 網站訪客行為分析.....................................................................................49
3.6 商業模型發展建置...................................................................................53
3.6.1 短期發展.........................................................................................56
3.6.2 中期發展.........................................................................................58
3.6.3 長期發展.........................................................................................60
第四章 個案分析..................................................................62
4.1 個案介紹 ..................................................................................................62
4.2 營運分析…………....................................................................................66
4.2.2 營運遭遇的問題及因應方式.............................................................71
4.3 網路行銷模式分析.....................................................................................73
4.3.2 E-Mail行銷.......................................................................................76
4.3.3 社群網站討論區行銷.......................................................................79
4.3.4 小結.................................................................................................83
4.4 商業模型演進與營運目標..........................................................................84
第五章 結論與未來研究發展 ................................................87
5.1 研究結論與研究貢獻................................................................................87
5.2 未來研究發展...........................................................................................88
附錄一、Google Analytics功能說明........................................................95
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