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Title page for etd-0711102-174110
"The Remedial Institution of Soil and Groundwater Pollution”Of The Institutional Evolution Of Analysis
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rerelative price, Soil and Groundwater Pollution, negotiating power, institutional evolution
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社會結構與組織行為不斷演變,相對價格也隨時在改變,何時相對價格變化會導致組織談判力量發生變動,進而影響制度的變動?在「土壤及地下水污染整治法」歷經10年的制度變遷過程中,環境污染事件、各利益相關的組織團體對制度有何影響?本研究透過Douglass C. North制度變遷的觀點,對臺灣過去不同議題文獻之土壤及地下水污染相關規則及政策演變做整理,來瞭解土壤及地下水污染整治法的立法演進與組織行為之間的相互影響關係。並以「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之子法-「土壤及地下水污染整治費」做為個案研究,深入探討North制度理論中正式規則、非正式限制及執行的特性與三者之間的交互影響。

The social construction and the behavior of organization transform continuously, and the relative prices keep changing. When the relative prices changing will cause the negotiating power of the organization to change and further affects institutional evolution? "The Remedial Institution of Soil and Groundwater Pollution” had passed through successively institutional evolution during 10 years, how does the pollutant and interest group affect the institutional evolution. Through Douglass C. North’s view of the institutional evolution, I collected many different Taiwanese articles of evolvement policy and rules of soil and groundwater pollution to understand the relationship between the lawmaking of "The remedial institution of soil and groundwater pollution" and the organization of behavior. Besides that, using “The Remedial Fee of Soil and Groundwater Pollution," the subsidiary bill of “The Remedial Institution of Soil and Groundwater Pollution" as a case study. Deeply understand the North’s Theories of institutional evolution in formal rule, informal rule and enforce characteristic and their relationship.

According to the analysis of the interaction between institutions and organizations, it explained that the formal rule, The Remedial Institution of Soil and Groundwater Pollution, cause it 10 years for revising. Under such structure of the institutions, the network of the administration, legislative agency and different ideology, had affected the actors who take the action regulate the transaction costs and caused new arrangement of the institution to generate stable and slow changes. It proves that our notion of the behavior of organizations exists transaction cost and has interacted effect on the construction of institutional evolution to be right, and also proves that under North's theory of institutional evolution, provided a good explanation for "The Remedial Institution of Soil and Groundwater Pollution” can't quickly revise in Taiwan’s current institutions. At the same time, this statement has enhanced the explanation capability of the theories toward the environment policies of Taiwan.

目次 Table of Contents
目 次
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法與限制 8
第三節 論文架構 13
第二章 文獻回顧 16
第一節 受污染土壤及地下水整治方法 16
第二節 是否進行整治污染場址 22
第三節 新制度經濟學的運用 25
第三章 「土壤及下水污染整治法」立法演進 29
第一節 「土壤及下水污染整治法」立法過程 29
第二節 「土壤及地下水污染整治法」基本內容概述 39
第四章 官僚體系與不同意識形態對制度之影響 51
第一節 新制度經濟學的主要理論 52
第二節 官僚體系對制度的影響 60
第三節 民意機關對制度的影響 71
第四節 不同意識形態對制度之影響 77
第五章 個案研究 83
第一節 個案背景 83
第二節 個案分析方法 85
第三節 個案內容 86
第六章 結論與政策建議 100
第一節 結 論 101
第二節 政策建議 106
參考文獻 109
附錄一 臺灣環境法規及環保事件對照表 117

圖 表 目 次

圖1-1 臺灣地區水資源運用實況(民國八十八年) 2
圖1-2論文架構 15
圖4-1水資源及相關機關組織架構圖 61

育程序 18
表3-1 台灣重大地下水污染事件 30
表3-2 台灣地區土壤污染概況 31

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