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博碩士論文 etd-0711114-150830 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0711114-150830
The Effect of the Human Relation in Social connection on the Development of Individual Brand Image
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Brand, Interpersonal Relationships, Interpersonal, Community
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Abraham Lincoln once said such a sentence, the character is like a tree, but the shade of this tree is a person's reputation (brand). Depending on the size of the shade and the interpretation of the definition of the individual may be, but is the real trees. So the character is like a tree, but this tree's growth will be affected by the surrounding environment. Therefore, to explore the personal brand for interpersonal influence, people doing things the study of philosophy among the Analects turn into a reference to look forward to explore yourself, how bred their own personal brand image and in fact ----- Some factors that influence their values and ideas.
However, personal brand or reputation is not as commodities, it is not to be copied. And a possible successful brand must foundation in basic real side, particularly sincere nature, true nature is extremely important, it is the influence of others on your identity and views of others as long as a glance in our behavior is true, is sincere or entertaining style, and quickly spread from around our operations will affect the relationships, the true and the good personal brand identity will give us huge positive influence, and will bring more Community fate that interpersonal relationships. But also to enhance our reputation and brand image; vice versa, such as the spread of virus proliferation, rapid and far-reaching impact.
In fact our personal brand that is our image and reputation, which is social capital on business or on our most important asset. Because it is linked to our social network relationships influence our friends and friends of friends around us people doing things for our identity, it will be able to establish a good personal brand goodness community relations, and establish a sincere friendship and these really good friendship and energy, are waiting for us to begin research and development, because if the relationship built on the good side, naturally, can understand each other, each other mutually, while also being a result of the application of the relationship started to spread development, and continue to extend the network to establish a close and form a network of capital.
Know how to build relationships, we come to understand the relationship between the application, in fact, operate and manage the relationship we want to learn, it is the composition and structure of promoting an interpersonal relationship, confrontation or cooperation between groups and communities, and we and how to find their advantage in the organizational structure in place to secure their personal image and the further development of relations and knowledge management. The quality of the relationship will determine your success in my thirties after. This part of interpersonal resource management, which is what we used in this study to actively investigate and research the place ---- so how community structure in a closed network, to find the critical influence that belongs to their own people and to explore the pulse Blue Ocean operations, these are the focus of this study is also the essence of learning.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 動機與目標 2
1.3 研究架構 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 人際網路 4
2.2 社會網絡理論 7
2.3 弱連帶優勢理論 8
2.4 強連帶優勢理論 8
2.5 社會資本 9
2.6 結構洞理論 10
2.7 經濟學 11
2.8 SWOT分析 12
2.9 6W3H的應用 13
2.10 論語之應用 15
第三章 研究方法 16
3.1 研究方式 16
3.2 資料收集的方法 17
3.3 資料分析 18
3.4 訪談方式 19
3.5 訪談問題設計 20
第四章 案例訪談資料整理與歸納 26
4.1 訪談案例A---醫療院所 26
4.2 訪談案例B---彩妝造型事業 31
4.3 訪談案例C---代理時尚設計業 36
4.4 訪談案例D---進口衛浴代理商 41
4.5 訪談案例E---時尚彩妝業 46
4.6 訪談案例F---才藝教學機構 51
4.7 訪談案例G---醫療院所 56
4.8 訪談案例H---醫美時尚業 61
4.9 案例訪談資料整理與歸納 66
4.10 研究發現 83
第五章 研究結論及建議 85
5.1 結論 85
5.2 人際社群關係管理的意涵 89
5.3 研究限制 89
5.4 後續研究建議 89
參考文獻 90
參考文獻 References
(1) 林義傑譯,Paul Adams,《社群效益-小圈如何改變世界》(台北:碁峰資訊,2012)
(2) 洪秀鑾,《管理見真心》,(台北,台灣商務,2004)
(3) 高勳芳、林盈助、王向葵,合譯(2002),「貭化研究設計 - 一種互動取向的方法取向的方法(Qualitative Research Design : An Interactive Approach , A.Max well)」台北,心理出版。
(4) 張家淇譯,Suzanne Bates,《CEO都在學的個人品牌術-發現,發揮你藏不住的領導者亮點》(台北,美商麥格羅希爾,2010)
(5) 鄭淑芳譯,瓊,懷特博士《如何建立良好的公關》(台北,業強出版社,1996)
(6) 輝偉昇,《關係,這檔事兒》(台北,寶鼎出版,2010)
(7) 劉強編譯,孔丘《論語》,(台北,西北國際,2012)
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