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Title page for etd-0711116-155836
A Study of the Relationship between Business Functions and Competitive Advantage - Taking the Activities Planning Consultant Company as an Example
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Date of Submission
Competitive advantage, Public relation industry, Business functions
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Recently, the division of whole PR industry become more and more dedicate due to diverse customer’s demand. However, for activities planning consultant companies, the requirement of fund and skills is low. Low entry berries, results in more competitors in the industry. Within such competitive environment, many activities planning consultant companies stop business because they lack of competitive advantage. But, the key element which companies can survive in the industry is competitive advantage. Therefore, this study takes activities planning consultant companies as target and discuss the competitive advantage within viewpoint of business functions. After interviewing four small and medium size of activities planning consultant companies, it uses qualitative research techniques to conclude the type of competitive advantage and the source of competitive advantage that activities planning consultant companies pursue. The result of this research is that companies acquire or enhance differentiation advantage by core value, core capability, collaboration strategy, and diversification strategy in strategic management; through diverse products and services, full customization, and prediction of market trend in marketing management; by selection criteria, coaching and mentoring, observation and emulation in HRM and innovation management.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 Public Relation Industry 5
2.1.1 Definition of Public Relations 5
2.1.2 PR industry in Taiwan 6
2.1.3 Services of PR and Categories of PR Agencies 8
2.2 Business function 11
2.3 Competitive Advantage 14
2.3.1 The definition of competitive advantage 14
2.3.2 The sources of competitive advantage and extended competitive theories 15
2.3.3 The connections between competitive advantage and business functions 21
Chapter 3 Research Method 27
3.1 Research structure 27
3.2 Research method 30
3.3 Research process and design 31
Chapter 4 Case Study 37
4.1 Introduction of target companies and interviewers 37
4.2 Strategic management 40
4.3 Marketing management 50
4.4 Human resource management and innovation management 61
4.5 Competitive Advantage 68
4.6 Result 70
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestion 87
5.1 Conclusion 87
5.2 Limitation and suggestion for future study 93
Reference 95
Appendix I: Interview Questions 105
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