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博碩士論文 etd-0712111-034154 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0712111-034154
General Sharpe Ratio Innovation with Levy Process and tis Performance in Different Stock Index
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utility function, Sharpe ratio, Levy process, portfolio, GH distribution
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本研究目的為推導出一種新的夏普指標,並與傳統上的夏普指標比較優劣。樣本為各國重要指數,包括法國巴黎指數(CAC40)、德國法蘭克福指數(DAX)、英國倫敦金融時報指數(FTSE100)、香港恆生指數(Hang Seng index)、那斯達克指數(NASDAQ)、日本日經指數(NIKKEI225)、美國標準普爾指數(S&P500)和台灣加權指數(TAIEX)共8種全球重要指數,研究期間為2001/01/01~2010/12/31。我們首先推導出JD、VG、NIG、Hyperbolic、GH此五種夏普指標,透過赤池資訊準則、以及貝氏資訊準則找出最適的分配過程。

Sharpe ratio is extensively used in performance of portfolio. However, it is based on assumption that return follows normal distribution. In other words, when return in asset is not normal distribution, the Sharpe ratio is not meaningful.
This research focuses on Generalized Sharpe ratio with different distribution in eight indexes from 2001/12/31 to 2010/12/31. We try to find a suitable levy process to fit our data. Instead of Normal distribution assumption, we use Jump diffusion, Variance Gamma, Normal Inverse Gaussian, Hyperbolic, Generalized Hyperbolic, as our distribution to solve stylized fact like skewness and kurtosis.
Compared the difference between standard Sharpe ratio and Generalized Sharpe ratio, we come to these conclusions: first of all, Generalized Hyperbolic is better levy process to fit our eight indexes. Second, Sharpe ratio under GH levy process has low autocorrelation, and it present that modified Sharpe ratio is more elastic. Third, Generalized Sharpe ratio can uncover the strategy that fund manager manipulate Sharpe ratio. At last, Generalized Sharpe ratio have better predict than standard Sharpe ratio.

Keywords: Sharpe ratio, Levy process, GH distribution, portfolio, utility function
目次 Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background and motivation 1
1.2 Purpose 2
2. Literature review 4
2.1 Standard Sharpe ratio and Generalized Sharpe ratio 4
2.2 Non-normality distribution of stock’s return 4
2.3 Generalized Sharpe ratio under Variance Gamma process 5
2.4 Generalized Sharpe ratio under Normal Inverse Gaussian process 6
2.5 Generalized Sharpe ratio under four levy process 6
3. Model derivative and method of empirical 8
3.1 Frame of research 8
3.2 Levy process 8
3.3 model derivation 14
3.4 Method of empirical 18
4. Empirical results 22
4.1 Descriptive statistics 22
4.2 AIC and BIC 24
4.3 Correlation and autocorrelation analysis 25
4.4 Estimating performances of portfolios with manipulated Sharpe ratios 31
4.5 Performance comparison between SR and GSR in assets allocation 32
4.6 Quartile analysis 36
5 Conclusion and Suggestion 38
5.1 Conclusion 38
5.2 Suggestion 39
Reference 41
參考文獻 References
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