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Title page for etd-0713116-202840
A Study of Critical Success Factors in HRIS Implementation: Analysis of Innovation Readiness
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Critical Success Factors, Innovation Readiness, Human Resource Management System
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As competitive business environment and globalization trend, the most important things that organizations care about are sustainable competitive advantages and business expansion. Human Resource Management System (HRIS) is thought of as the best means and most powerful instrument to maintain competitive advantages and is widely implemented in many multinational corporations. HRIS was developed to facilitate the decision processes by providing the sharing and integration of resources and information. However, many efforts are devoted in the HRIS implementation, there are many failed results in this endeavor.
To ensure the success of HRIS implementation, the technological robustness is no longer the only concerned issue rather the innovation readiness to take such change become the major concerned issue. In this study, we proposed of hypotheses that HRIS implementation is an innovation activity, to explore the critical successful factors in innovation readiness. The research makes the case study through the interview, the method of qualitative study. Finally, we conclude the concept of critical successful factors in innovation readiness and expect the conclusion could be helpful to the management of HRIS implementation in innovation issue.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書…………………….……………………...…………....…………... i
致謝………………………………….………………………....……………….. ii
中文摘要……………………………….…………….………...……..………... iii
Abstract……………………………….…………….………...………………... iv
Chapter 1 Introduction…………………….………………….……………… 1
1.1 Research background…………………………………………………….1
1.2 The purpose of this research…………………………………….……... 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review……………………………………………….... 5
2.1 Human Resource Information System (HRIS)…………...……..…….. 5
2.2 Innovation……………………………………….……………….….……. 15
2.3 Innovation Readiness……………………..…………………….………. 18
Chapter 3 Research Method…………………………………..……..……… 27
3.1 Case study method…………………...…………………....…….....…… 27
3.2 Type of interview ................................................................................ 28
3.3 Data collection and analysis .............................................................. 29
3.4 Source of research cases .................................................................. 31
Chapter 4 Analysis and result .................................................................. 37
4.1 Analysis and result ............................................................................. 37
Chapter 5 Conclusion............................................................................... 45
5.1 Conclusion ......................................................................................... 45
5.2 Suggestions ....................................................................................... 48
5.3 Limitation ............................................................................................ 50
Reference ................................................................................................. 51
Appendix .................................................................................................. 56
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