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Title page for etd-0714116-164549
The Impact of the Work Value, Work Motivation on Employee Engagement —Supervisory Support as Moderator
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intrinsic work motivation, work motivation, intrinsic work value, work value, supervisory support, employee engagement
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近幾年,隨著員工投入常被運用於判斷企業獲利及組織競爭力的方式之一,使得員工投入獲得的重視程度逐漸增高。Schaufeli 與Salanova(2007)表示近年企業面臨的各種挑戰的最根本應要探究的是員工投入(employee engagement)。員工投入焦點為員工願意做的,是否比員工本人被要求做的還多。企業內的員工來自於不同的成長環境、擁有各自的背景,如何找到合適的員工並提高員工投入,亦是企業專注的議題之一。因此本研究透過瞭解在職者之工作價值觀及工作動機,而後提出以主管支持為干擾變項,探討主管支持是否會對內在工作價值觀及內在工作動機與員工投入之關係造成影響。
Recently, as the employee engagements is often used to judge the profit or one of the competitiveness of the organization. Employee engagement is getting more and more important for the company. Schaufeli and Salanova (2007) pointed out that the basic challenge for the enterprise is employee engagement. The most important of the employee engagement is what the employee will to do is more than what they are asked to do. The employees of the enterprise come from different growing environments and different backgrounds, so how to find the right employees and enhance the employee engagement is also one of the enterprise should focus on. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to understand the work value and the work motivation of the incumbents and put forward the supervisor’s support as an interfering variable to explore the relationships between the work value and the intrinsic work motivations
This aim of the research is that the incumbents in Taiwan, issued 210 questionnaires, 196 valid questionnaires, the effective rate is 96 %. The results showed that the work value and intrinsic work value of the incumbents have the positive impact on the employee engagement. Moreover, the supervisory support will have the positive interfering effect on the intrinsic work value for the employee engagement. However, the interaction between the employee’s intrinsic work motivation and supervisory support will not affect the engagement level of employee.
According to the result, this study suggests that the supervisor can through interview, measurement tools and daily observation to find the intrinsic work values use and high work motivation employee. By the richness of the work, the job challenge, authority and job-fit, let the employee can feel the pleasure and a sense of achievement after they contribute for the company. Moreover, to stimulate the intrinsic work value and work motivation can enhance the employee engagement.
目次 Table of Contents

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2

第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 工作價值觀 3
第二節 工作動機 7
第三節 員工投入 10
第四節 主管支持 17

第三章 研究方法 20
第一節 研究架構與假設 20
第二節 研究對象與施測程序 21
第三節 研究工具之發展與設定 22
第四節 資料分析方法 29

第四章 研究結果 30
第一節 敘述性統計和變數間相關分析 30
第二節 個人屬性在研究變項之差異分析 33
第三節 假設檢定 40

第五章 結論與建議 45
第一節 研究結論 45
第二節 研究建議 48
第三節 研究限制及未來建議 50

參考文獻 51
附錄:量化問卷 58
參考文獻 References
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