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Title page for etd-0716108-190204
The Study of Community Residents’ Participation Behavior Model in Environmental Improvement Actions
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social cognitive theory, knowledge of environmental action, environmental moral obligation, structural equation modeling, responsible environmental behavior, theory of planned behavior, rural community landscape renaissance project, urban community landscape renaissance project, sense of community scale
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在講求效率與政府經費逐年縮減的狀況下,推動社區居民自發的參與環境改造可以讓社區環境永續經營,並間接促進地區的發展。有關社區居民參與環境改造工作,除了表現出對社區環境的關懷,也可能與其對環境的責任感、環境知識技能、自主控制等有關。因此本研究以社區居民為研究對象,有以下幾個研究目的: (1) 透過文獻探討,選取適合之社區意識量表,並驗證在台灣的適用性。 (2) 由相關理論建構社區居民參與環境改造的行為模式,並檢驗此模式之配適度。 (3) 探討影響社區居民參與環境改造行為的影響因素,並瞭解各因素之間的因果關係。 (4) 比較TPB(計畫行為理論)與本研究提出之架構兩者在解釋社區居民參與環境改造行為的解釋能力。
研究架構包括計劃行為理論中之「態度」、「主觀規範」、「行為控制知覺」、「行為意圖」、「行為」;再加上社會認知理論中的「自我效能」、環境公民行為模式中的「環境行動知識」、及「環境道德觀」與「社區意識」,合計9個構面。本研究實證結果驗證了10個假設,有8個假設獲得支持,2個假設部分成立,結果說明如下: (1)「主觀規範」顯著影響參與環境改造行為的「參與態度」; (2)「參與態度」顯著影響參與環境改造行為的「行為傾向」; (3)「行為控制知覺」會顯著影響參與環境改造行為的「行為傾向」; (4)「社區意識」顯著影響參與環境改造行為的「行為傾向」; (5)「環境行動知識」會顯著影響「自我效能」感; (6)「自我效能」感會顯著影響「行為控制知覺」; (7)「環境道德感」顯著影響「參與態度」; (8)「參與行為傾向」會顯著影響參與環境改造的「行為」。另外部分成立的是: (1)非都市計畫區居民的「主觀規範」會顯著增進參與環境改造行為的「行為傾向」; (2)都市計畫社區居民與全體居民的「行為控制知覺」會顯著增進參與環境改造行為的「參與態度」。
During the past decade, the environmental issue has been an important concern of public affairs because the problems generating from the physical environment are the main focus of local development. Generally, the most effective work of community development is to encourage people to participate in environmental improvement actions. For example, the literature has indicated that individual is the most important factor for environmental improvement actions. Thus, people who highly participate in the community affairs often have better performances on community improvement actions.
Base on an efficient society and the budget of government downsizing, promoting community residents to actively participate in environmental improvement actions would help the community environment management to be more sustainable and indirectly leading the local development. Concerning community environment, the responsibility for the community, knowledge of environmental action, and the ability of self-control might be correlated with the community residents’ participation behavior in environmental improvement actions. The purpose of study is to explore the relationships among sense of community, the knowledge of environmental action, environmental moral obligation, and participating environmental improvement actions. Four objectives are mainly specified: first, to develop a sense of community scale of Taiwanese population; second, to integrate theories to test a community participation behavior model in environmental improvement actions; third, to understand the influential factors of community residents participation in environmental improvement actions; finally, to compare and interpret community residents participation in environmental improvement behavior model and “Theory of Planned Behavior”.
This study surveyed community residents who ever participated in “urban community landscape renaissance project” supported by Construction and Planning Agency, and “rural community landscape renaissance project” founded by Soil and Water Conservation Bureau. A total of 616 community residents were administrated a self-report questionnaire. Further analysis of the data based on comparing respondent’s residence, respondents were grouped into to urban planning district group and non-urban planning district group. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method was then employed to test a conceptual model.
There were nine domains proposed in the conceptual model. Five of nine domains adopted from planning behavioral theory included “attitude”, “subjective norm”, “perceived behavioral control”, “behavioral intention” and “behavior”. One of nine domains, “self-efficacy”, was chosen from social cognition theory. Two of nine domains from environmental citizen behavioral model were “knowledge of environmental action”, “environmental moral obligation”. “Sense of community” was referenced to the last domain. The findings provided support for eight hypotheses and two hypotheses were partial supported. The detailed descriptions of hypothesis-testing results were as below. Eight hypotheses supported, they included: (1) After residents reflected on the “subjective norm”, the “attitude” toward participating environmental reform behaviors was remarkably promoted. (2) Resident’s “attitude” significantly influenced their “behavioral intention” of participating environmental improvement behaviors. (3) Resident’s “perceived behavioral control” significantly impacted their “behavioral intention” of participate in environmental improvement behaviors. (4) Resident’s “sense of community” significantly impacted their “behavioral intention” of participating environmental improvement behaviors. (5) Resident’s “knowledge of environmental action” significantly impacted their “self-efficacy”. (6) Resident’s “self-efficacy” significantly effected their “perceived behavioral control”. (7) Resident’s “environmental moral obligation” significantly impacted their “attitude” of participating environmental improvement behaviors. (8) Resident’s “behavioral intention” significantly impacted their participating environmental improvement “behaviors”.
Two hypotheses were partial supported: (1) Only in non-urban planning district resident’s “subjective norm” significantly impacted their “behavioral intention” of participating environmental improvement behaviors. (2) Only in urban planning district and all districts resident’s “perceived behavioral control” significantly impacted their “attitude” of participating environmental improvement behaviors.
Additionally, the findings confirmed that Italian Sense of Community Scale (ISCS) was an appropriate scale to measure Taiwanese population’s sense of community. These findings provide researchers and practitioners for insight of resident’s participation in environmental improvement, which is better than “Theory of Planned Behavior”.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機 2
第二節 研究重要性與目的 4
第三節 研究流程與內容 8
第四節 研究範圍與限制 9
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 社區參與與社區意識
1. 社區參與的概念 11
2. 影響社區參與的因素 13
3. 社區參與的方式與衡量 15
4. 社區意識的概念 16
5. 社區意識的測量 17
1. 理性行動理論 22
2. 計畫行為理論 24
3. 社會認知理論與自我效能 28
第三節 環境行為相關模式
1. 知識-態度-行為模式 33
2. 利他行為模式 34
3. 負責任的環境行為模式 35
4. 環境公民行為模式 36
第四節 本章小結 38
第三章 研究設計
第一節 研究方法 41
第二節 研究假設與架構 41
第三節 問卷設計
1. 量表形成 47
2. 預試及資料分析 53
第四節 問卷調查對象及抽樣方法 56
第五節 資料分析方法
1. 驗證性因素分析介紹 58
2. 結構方程模式介紹 61
3. 資料分析流程 63
第四章 實證資料分析
第一節 問卷回收與樣本特徵 67
第二節 研究模式之變數縮減 73
1. 社區意識構面衡量變數縮減 74
2. 環境道德感構面衡量變數縮減 81
3. 環境行動知識構面衡量變數縮減 85
4. 自我效能構面衡量變數縮減 89
5. 行為控制知覺構面衡量變數縮減 93
6. 主觀規範意識構面衡量變數縮減 97
7. 參與態度構面衡量變數縮減 101
8. 參與行為傾向構面衡量變數縮減 105
第三節 研究模式之測量模式 107
1. 都市計畫區社區居民之測量模式 109
2. 非都市計畫區社區居民之測量模式 110
第四節 研究模式之結構模式 116
1. 都市計畫區社區居民參與環境改造行為之結構模式 119
2. 非都市計畫區社區居民參與環境改造行為之結構模式 123
3. 都市與非都市計畫區社區居民參與環境改造行為模式比較 127
4. 全體社區居民參與環境改造行為模式與計畫行為理論之比較 130
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究發現與討論
1. 研究目的達成情形 135
2. 修改計畫行為理論 137
3. 社區意識的影響驗證 138
4. 環境行動知識的影響驗證 138
5. 自我效能的影響驗證 139
6. 環境道德感的影響驗證 139
7. 參與行為傾向的影響驗證 140
8. 社區居民參與環境改造行為模式之討論 140
第二節 研究貢獻與建議
1. 對學術上的貢獻 142
2. 在實務上的建議 142
3. 計量方法的精進 146
第三節 研究限制與後續研究方向 147

參考文獻 151
附錄一 預試問卷 175
附錄二 正式問卷 179
附錄三 95、96年度營造都市社區新風貌計畫社區名單 183
附錄四 95、96年度營造農村新風貌計畫社區名單 187
附錄五 測量變數之平均數與標準差 193
附錄六 研究模式內各變數之共變數矩陣 197
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