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博碩士論文 etd-0718106-164436 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0718106-164436
ADSL 寬頻上網顧客預期未來利益、整體滿意度與顧客保留關係之研究-以大高雄地區為例
A Study of the Relationship between Customer's Expected Future Use, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention on ADSL Broadband Internet Service- A Case of Greater Kaohsiung Area.
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Customer Satisfaction, Customer Expected Future Use, Customer Retention, Expanded Service Marketing Mix, Fixed-network Broadband Internet Service
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5691 times, has been downloaded 2856 times.
Under the four forces of opening up of domestic telecommunication market, breakthroughs in information and communication technology, changes in consumer demand, and supplier’s race for economic efficiency, industry structures have transformed. What used to be three distinct industries of divergent directions of development – network service (computers), telecommunication (telephones) and cable television (television), are interacting. The market is growing rapidly with combined digital flow of the three industries. Broadband internet played a key role in such transformation.

ADSL broadband internet service has prospered in recent years. As the internet population approach maturity, the market has changed focus from quantity to quality. There are two major challenges to fixed network internet service providers are: To increase market share by attracting more customers to its service base, and retain customers to minimize loss of customers.

Telecommunication service providers attract new customers by offering special prices with gifts, they retain customers by elevating switching cost and long term contracts. But the result of price-cutting competition was erosion of profit margin. Customer loyalty is also swayed by low prices met by competitors. Under such intense competitive environment, service providers are actively developing digital content and making investment in fiber optic broadband to mitigate loss. It is hoped that richer internet content and faster speed broadband can attract more customers and increase customer revenue contribution.

The subject of this study are ADSL broadband internet users in the greater Kaohsiung area, the regions surveyed include Kaohsiung County and Kaohsiung City. A questionnaire was used as the data collection tool. The survey was conducted on a convenient sample. Data was analyzed using SPSS statistical software. The influence of customer’s expected future benefits, overall customer satisfaction and marketing strategies on customer retention were investigated. Furthermore, the interaction effects were also reviewed.
The results of the study are:
I.The most important factor in influencing customer retention is overall customer satisfaction, followed by marketing strategy and customer’s expected future use. Further results are derived from analysis:
1.Overall customer satisfaction, customer’s expected future use and marketing strategy showed significant positive influence on customer retention.
2.The influence of overall customer satisfaction, customer’s expected future use and marketing strategy on customer retention vary in strength.
3.Marketing strategy showed significant positive influence on overall customer satisfaction and customer’s expected future use.
4.With respect to the degree of influence on customer retention, overall customer satisfaction showed greater influence than marketing strategy and customer’s expected future use.
II.Customers exhibit high expectations for future use。 Telecommunication service provider satisfying the following “customer’s expected future use” will significantly enhance customer retention.
1.Provide value-adding services.
2.Provide more value-adding application content.
3.Offer better prices.
4.Exchange fiber optic with ADSL in the future at free of charge
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 導論
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究範圍 3
第二章 文獻整理
第一節 國內寬頻上網現況分析與未來發展 4
第二節 服務行銷策略 21
第三節 顧客保留 39
第四節 顧客預期未來利益 45
第五節 顧客滿意度 49
第六節 文獻小結和評述 56
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構 60
第二節 資料收集方法 72
第三節 資料分析方法 73
第四章 資料分析
第一節 基本資料分析 84
第二節 基本構面及其因素問項平均數排序分析 99
第三節 個別問項同意程度平均數排序分析 100
第四節 顧客滿意度與顧客保留之關係(H1) 102
第五節 顧客預期未來利益與顧客保留之關係(H2) 103
第六節 服務行銷策略對顧客滿意度之關係(H3a) 104
第七節 服務行銷策略對顧客預期未來利益之關係(H3b) 105
第八節 服務行銷策略對顧客保留之關係(H4) 106
第九節 各構面影響顧客保留綜合分析 107
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 111
第二節 建議 113
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 120

參考文獻 121
附錄 134

表2-1 寬頻市場服務層次 9
表2-2 有線電視、固網電信寬頻比較表 12
表2-3 寬頻電信市場競爭策略 18
表2-4 家庭用戶連網實際費用與合理期望費用差異表 30
表2-5 服務行銷類型 34
表2-6 擴張的服務行銷組合 37
表2-7 關係行銷與交易行銷觀念差異比較表 38
表2-8 PZB行為意向表 45
表2-9 顧客價值和顧客滿意度的比較 57
表3-1 電信總局ADSL服務品質調查衡量變數表 65
表3-2 前測問卷回收狀況表 68
表3-3 預試問卷修正對照表 69
表3-4 問卷發放區域統計表 73
表3-5 KMO統計量的判斷分數 74
表3-6 服務行銷策略因素分析檢定表 75
表3-7 服務行銷策略衡量變數表 76
表3-8 顧客滿意度衡量變數表 77
表3-9 顧客預期未來利益因素分析檢定表 78
表3-10 顧客預期未來利益衡量變數表 79
表3-11 顧客保留因素分析檢定表 80
表3-12 顧客保留衡量變數表 81
表3-13 信度範圍與涵意 82
表3-14 本研究基本構面 Cronbach α值檢定表 82
表4-1 受訪者性別統計表 84
表4-2 受訪者年齡統計表 85
表4-3 受訪者學歷統計表 85
表4-4 受訪者職業統計表 86
表4-5 受訪者平均每月可支配開銷統計表 87
表4-6 受訪者寬頻上網速率分布統計表 88
表4-7 受訪者每月平均上網費用統計表 89
表4-8 受訪者寬頻上網經歷統計表 90
表4-9 受訪者寬頻上網主要目的統計表 91
表4-10 受訪者每星期平均上網時間統計表 92
表4-11 受訪者可支配開銷與年齡交叉分析表 93
表4-12 受訪者上網經歷與年齡交叉分析表 93
表4-13 受訪者每星期平均上網時間與年齡交叉分析表 94
表4-14 受訪者繳費方式統計表 95
表4-15 受訪者裝機地址統計表 95
表4-16 受訪者使用固網公司統計表 95
表4-17 受訪者使用固網公司與年齡交叉分析統計表 96
表4-18 問項 D3.如果其他電信公司價格更優惠,我會轉移至其他公司
(反向題)與受訪者年齡交叉分析統計表 97
表4-19 受訪者使用二家以上固網公司經驗統計表 97
表4-20 受訪者使用二家以上ISP經驗統計表 98
表4-21 基本構面同意程度平均數及標準統計表差 99
表4-22 個別問項同意程度平均數排序表 100
表4-23 顧客滿意度與顧客保留之關係迴歸分析表 103
表4-24 顧客預期未來利益與顧客保留之關係迴歸分析檢定表 104
表4-25 服務行銷策略與顧客滿意度之關係迴歸分析表 105
表4-26 服務行銷策略與顧客預期未來利益之關係迴歸分析表 106
表4-27 服務行銷策略與顧客保留之關係迴歸分析表 107
表4-28 基本構面影響顧客保留迴歸分析表(依變數:顧客保留) 109


圖2-1 台灣寬頻網路用戶數成長情況 8
圖2-2 寬頻主流市場趨勢 16
圖2-3 電信產品核心概念 26
圖2-4 電信產品整體延伸概念與傳統電信產品概念比較 27
圖2-5 服務行銷三構面 35
圖2-6 服務品質、行為意向及財務結果之關係模式 41
圖2-7 Lemon、White and Winner(2001)的保留決策前瞻模式(The
Forward- Looking Model of the Keep/Drop Decision) 46
圖2-8 美國ACSI模型圖 51
圖2-9 顧客滿意差距 53
圖2-10 顧客滿意度與公司獲利模式 54
圖3-1 本研究架構圖 60
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