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博碩士論文 etd-0718108-173409 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0718108-173409
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Innovative, Team innovation performance, Innovative behavior, Teamwork
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本研究最主要的目的是要了解影響研發人員創新行為的因素,及團隊創新行為對研發績效是否有影響。所以本研究探討了個人因素中的人格特質,及組織因素之KEYS 量表之五大分類以及八個構面與研發人員創新行為的相關性。也對於個人因素與組織因素對團隊創新之行為相關性。個案中提供了團隊研發績效,從團隊績效與團隊創新行為來探討是否有正面影響。本研究在個人因素中之人格特質上採用五大人格特質Big Five(情緒敏感型、外向型、開放學習型、親和型、認真盡責型)的架構。組織因素中採KEYS 量表之五大分類以及八個構面的架構。以問卷的方式及訪談搜集資料後所得到的結果。
The most important thing for company to stay competitive is keeping innovative. When a new product launches to the market, you must keep developing another new product to move faster than the competitors. Besides, the human resource and equipment to develop new products must be a huge investment. The returns are not always guaranteed. Without R&D investment, the company will be out of competition in a short time.The employees always be encouraged to have innovative thinking with incentives. Sometimes, their creative ideas would bring unexpected effect and benefit the company.
How does R&D personnel to have innovation? The purpose of the research is to understand the elements of innovation on R&D personnel.
From the case company, Taiflex Scientific Co., Ltd, to have creative employees would bring tremendous benefits to the company. Every company would ask the R&D team to keep innovative and to develop new products continuously in order to be the leader in the market. If we can understand what the elements of the innovation, we can recruit creative personnel and speed up the development. While the company can launch new products quicker and raise up the company competitiveness, R&D team is the main weapon to fight the competitors.
This is a case study of Taiflex Scientific Co., Ltd. There are 5 teams in the case company and all members are treated equally under same working environment and incentive policy. This study focus on the relationship between the innovative behavior of R&D personnel, also the team innovation performance and the influencing factors.
The Purpose of the study is to understand the factors of the innovative behaviors on R&D persons and the relation between innovative team and performance. The factors are personality traits and KEYS. This study adopts Five Factor Model (Big Five) that includes Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness , Conscientiousness, on the personality traits. The study of organization factors adopts KEY structure. The result is concluded from questionnaire survey and interviews.
The main factors on R&D innovation are personality traits, but team atmosphere would have only certain influence.
From the case study, Openness to Experience and Extraversion have higher contribution to innovative behavior than Neuroticism, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness.
The freedom from the team atmosphere is the main factor for R&D personnel innovation. The challenging job is the second important factor.
The case company shows that innovative team behavior has positive connection on R&D performance.
The more creative team has better performance. Besides, personnel working experience and education would have certain effect.
The purpose of the study is to know the requirements such as personality traits, working experience and education while recruiting R&D personnel. Then we can find the suitable person, have better performance and keep the company competitive.
目次 Table of Contents

第一章 緒論................................................................................................1
第一節 研究動機.................................................................................. 1
第二節 研究目的. .................................................................................2
第三節 研究流程.................................................................................. 3
第二章 文獻探討....................................................................................... 4
第一節 創新的定義...............................................................................4
第二節 影響創新的因素—個人因素...................................................6
第三節 影響創新的因素—組織因素...................................................17
第四節 個人創新行為...........................................................................22
第五節 團隊創新...................................................................................25
第三章 研究方法........................................................................................30
第一節 理論架構...................................................................................30
第二節 研究個案背景說明...................................................................30
第三節 研究假設...................................................................................33
第四節 研究對象...................................................................................33
第五節 訪談之設計...............................................................................34
第六節 問卷設計...................................................................................35
第七節 創新行為之績效評核...............................................................38
第八節 創新行為對團隊績效之影響...................................................38
第九節 統計分析方法...........................................................................38
第四章 個案資料分析................................................................................39
第一節 訪談內容整理.......................................................................... 39
第二節 描述性統計分析.......................................................................54
第三節 相關分析...................................................................................60
第五章 結論與建議................................................................................... 68
第一節 研究結論.................................................................................. 68
第三節 研究貢獻...................................................................................75
第四節 研究限制與建議.......................................................................76
參考文獻..................................................................................................... 77
三、附 錄.......................................................................................82
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