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博碩士論文 etd-0718110-022047 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0718110-022047
The analysis of strategies that enterprises take in the financial crisis
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Financial tsunami, Responsive strategies, Institutional theory, Population theory, Mimetic force, Normative force, Coercive force
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During Nov.2008 to Apr. 2009, firms in Taiwan encountered dramatic financial crisis, and this impact made unemployment rate still climbing and economic depression. In order to reduce the impact from financial tsunami, every firm takes some strategies to resist it. The objective of our study is to find out the influence from financial tsunami on the listed companies. More importantly, we base on the three mechanisms (mimetic force, normative force and coercive force) of institutional theory and the perspectives of population theory to analyze why firms choose those strategies.
We collect and analyze 201 returned questionnaires. We find when firms face both high market force, mimetic force and coercive, they tend to choose manipulation strategies. When firms face both low market force, mimetic force and coercive force, they tend to choose compromise strategies. When firms face high market force and low mimetic force and coercive force, they tend to use defiance strategies. When firms face low market force and high mimetic force and coercive force, they tend to use acquiescence strategies.
目次 Table of Contents

Mandarin Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Contents iv
List of figures v
List of tables vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Theoretical background 4
2.1 The Role of Strategy 4
2.2 Institutional Theory 5
2.3 Discussion of Institutional Theory 8
2.4 Population Ecology 9
Chapter 3 Research framework and methodolog 11
3.1 Strategic Response Architecture 11
3.2 Hypothesis 19
3.3 Method 24
3.3.1 Data Collection 24
3.3.2 Variables 25
Chapter 4 Results 29
4.1 Findings 29
4.2 Discussion 40
Chapter 5 Conclusions 41
5.1 Contributions 41
5.2 Future Directions 41
5.3 Limitations 42
Bibliography 43
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