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博碩士論文 etd-0718117-095324 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0718117-095324
Research on Commercialization and Market Entry of Chinese Herbal Medicine in Taiwan
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Chinese herbal medicine, Market entry, commercialization, Market behavior, Market structure
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摘 要
本研究題目是中草藥的商品化與市場進入研究。中草藥近年來已成為生技產業中的明日之星。世界各國都投入了相關研究,我國也在政府的政策支持下,越來越多的藥廠與生技廠投入相關的研究。廠商在構思中草藥的價值提供,在構思創新產品時,最重要是在商品化與市場進入。本文主要在探討中草藥在商品化過程中與市場進入過程中的市場行為會受到哪些外部因素的影響。研究哪些因素會影響到廠商商品化策略,哪些因素會影響到廠商市場進入策略的選擇。以及探討: 台灣中草藥廠商的特定市場行為(商品化、市場進入)的策略類型。
本研究基於結構 - 行為 - 績效(Structure-Conduct-Performance)架構,採用個案討論的方式與深度訪談的的研究方法。歸納出影響台灣中草藥廠商商品化與市場進入的外部影響因素以及兩種市場行為(商品化、市場進入)的策略類型。研究結果顯示:產業結構的缺陷、內需市場規模、中草藥的傳統使用方式與法規,都是影響廠商商品化策略的因素。另外消費者的認知風險與廣告法規這兩個外部環境因素會影響到廠商對於市場進入策略的選擇。

關鍵字: 中草藥、產業結構、市場行為、商品化、市場進入
The research topic is the commercialization of Chinese herbal medicine and market entry research..Chinese herbal medicine has become a star in the biotechnology industry in recent years.Countries around the world have put the relevant research, our government is also the policy support, more and more pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology plant related research. Manufacturers in the idea of the value of herbal medicine, in the design of innovative products, the most important is the commercialization and market entry.
The purpose of this research is to explore the external factors that influence specific market behaviors of Taiwan’s Chinese herbal medicine industry, as well as these specific market behaviors, namely commercialization and market entry. Investigate what factors will affect the commercialization strategy, which factors will affect the choice of market entry strategy. As well as to explore the Taiwan Chinese herbal medicine manufacturers of specific market behavior (commercialization, market entry) strategy type.
This study is based on the Structure-Conducting-Performance architecture, using case-by-case and in-depth interviews. And summarizes the external factors influencing the commercialization and market entry of Chinese herbal medicine manufacturers in Taiwan, and the types of strategies for the two kinds of market behavior (commercialization and market entry).The external factors the influence commercialization include: broken supply chain, scale of the market, traditional ways of using Chinese herbal medicine, and governmental regulations. The external factors the influence market entry include consumers’ risk perceptions and governmental regulations on advertising Chinese herbal medicine.
This study summarizes the marketing strategy matrix of the technology industry. The research also presented three types of commercialization strategy: R&D-driven, processing-driven and selling-driven.These three strategies can correspond to the high perception risk product market, to middle perception risk product market and to low perception risk product market. Will form nine kinds of commercialization strategy and market entry strategy strategy choice.

The study proposed in this study, hope as a future Chinese herbal medicine manufacturers in the process of commercialization of R & D products, and the development of market entry strategy to provide some suggestions and reference, but also hope to be able to future researchers can help and inspire.

Keywords : Chinese herbal medicine , Market structure , Market behavior, commercialization, Market entry.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 4
第四節 研究流程 5
第五節 研究範圍與限制 6
第二章 產業現況 7
第一節 中草藥產業現況 7
第二節 健康食品市場 12
第三節 植物新藥、中藥新藥市場現況 13
第四節 健康觀念與食品、健康食品、藥品商品化與市場進入現況 15
第三章 文獻探討 18
第一節 S-C-P產業組織理論 18
第二節 商品化 20
第三節 市場進入 22
第四節 質性研究 23
第四章 研究設計 24
第一節 研究架構 24
第二節 資料搜集工具 25
第三節 個案討論 26
第五章 實證結果與分析 28
第一節 受訪者基本資料 28
第二節 影響中草藥產業商品化的環境因素 31
第三節 影響市場進入的因素 41
第四節 商品化策略 44
第五節 市場進入策略 49
第六節 總結 58
第六章 結論與建議 60
第一節 結論 60
第二節 建議 60
第三節 管理意涵 61
參考文獻 64
附錄 67
個案討論 67
參考文獻 References
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