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博碩士論文 etd-0719105-092734 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0719105-092734
By adopting the four phases of NEBIC Theory examine the electronic filing of individual income tax returns
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electronic government, electronic filing of individual income tax returns, National Tax System Migration., NEBIC Theory
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Nowadays it is a worldwide trend to transform the government by using information and communications technology. Particularly in keen competition amongst countries in the 21st century, a country which has competitive consciousness uses information and communication technology to reform the government for improving its national competitiveness. If Taiwan intends to remold itself and improve its national competitiveness, it should establish an electronic government to develop governmental Internet service and substantially renovate the effectiveness of administrative operations. The government should break through the traditional thinking frame and redefine the role and function of the government. This is for the purpose of changing and improving the interactive relationship between the government and the public and to help the public accept the convenient service of various Internet applications offered by the government.
Taiwan started the online governmental services from 1998 and has been engaged in several types of applications, such as Government to Citizen, Government to Business, and Government to Government applications. Among these applications, the convenient service of Internet application, which is most closely related to the daily life of the public, includes electronic tax filing, electronic motor vehicle & driver information system, electronic public safety, electronic industries and businesses, electronic health care, and electronic utilities, etc, which have been gradually and widely used by the public. By adopting the four phases of NEBIC Theory (Net-Enabled Business Innovation Cycle), this study will examine whether the electronic filing of individual income tax returns, which is introduced by the government, makes tax filing more efficient, lowers the cost and offers a more convenient service or not. In brief, the study is to analyze whether the needs of the public are being more fulfilled.
NEBIC Theory mainly defines the four phases of the cycle, which are Choosing Enabling Information Technologies, Matching with Economic Opportunities, Executing Business Innovation for Growth and Assessing Customer Value, to create customer value. By using NEBIC Theory, this study analyzed (1) the first phase that the electronic government was engaged in convenient service of Internet application by using information technology, (2) the second phase that the government offered tax payers the electronic tax filing with a 24-hour filing system and a trial run of auto-selected optimal filing, and (3) the third phase in which the national tax information systems used by five regional National Tax Administrations and the Financial Data Center were integrated and planned anew, which was named “National Tax System Migration”, in which most commonly known by the public was “electronic filing of individual income tax returns”, and was accomplished in 6 years. This study finally analyzed the fourth phase of the value of electronic filing of income tax returns. Voluntarily providing tax payers with annual income data by tax authorities significantly saves the social cost, time cost, and manpower cost of tax withholders, payers and authorities. Tax authorities may save manpower in data recording and processing, save data storage space and improve the government’s administrative effectiveness. Tax payers may save transport costs, extend the tax filing time, save time of trials and lower the possibility of rejection, which offers more convenience to the public. Therefore, electronic filing of individual income tax returns greatly increases satisfaction of the needs of the public.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
一、研究背景 1
二、研究動機 1
第二節 研究問題、目的與範圍 3
一、研究問題 3
二、研究目的 3
三、研究範圍 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第四節 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 NEBIC理論 6
一、選擇資訊科技 7
二、符合商業機會 8
三、執行企業創新與成長 9
四、評估客戶價值 10
第二節 電子化政府 12
一、電子化政府的定義 12
二、我國電子化政府 12
三、主要國家推動電子化政府的情形 13
四、電子化政府的發展趨勢 17
第三節 綜合所得稅結算申報 19
一、綜合所得稅稽徵程序 19
二、國內綜合所得稅結算申報方式的演進 21
三、分析手寫申報、網路申報及二維申報之不同 23
(一)、手寫申報 23
(二)、網路申報 27
(三)、二維申報 35
四、三種申報方式的比較 39
第四節 推動國稅資訊作業平台移轉計畫 46
第三章 以NEBIC理論分析綜合所得稅電子申報 54
第一節 分析電子化政府網路服務是否符合第一個階段 54
一、資訊科技促使電子化政府 54
二、選擇資訊科技推動「綜合所得稅電子申報」 56
第二節 分析電子報稅是否符合第二個階段 59
一、綜合所得稅傳統申報之舊作業 59
二、綜合所得稅電子申報之新機會 59
第三節 分析國稅資訊作業平台移轉計畫是否符合第三個階段 61
一、國稅資訊作業舊平台移轉新平台之比較 61
二、電子申報繳稅整體資訊作業 67
第四節 探討電子報稅評價是否符合第四個階段 69
一、三種申報方式對納稅人及稽徵機關之價值說明 69
二、電子申報對納稅人及稽徵機關之評價 73
第四章 結論 77
第一節 研究結論 77
第二節 研究建議 80
一、對稽徵單位的執行建議 80
二、對納稅人運用電子申報的建議 85
第三節 研究限制及後續研究方向 87
一、研究限制 87
二、後續研究方向 87
中文參考文獻 89
英文參考文獻 91
參考網站 93
附錄1:綜合所得稅一般申報書正背面範例 94
附錄2:綜合所得稅簡易申報書範例 96
附錄3:93年度綜合所得稅結算電子申報繳稅系統操作說明 97
附錄4:綜合所得稅電子結算申報作業要點 120
稅年度所得資料作業要點 125
附錄6:網際網路繳納稅款作業要點 127
附錄7:信用卡繳納綜合所得稅結算申報自繳稅款作業要點 132
圖1-3-1 研究流程架構 4
圖2-1-1 NEBIC理論與相關關係 7
圖2-1-2 選擇架構的四個階段圖 8
圖2-3-1 現行綜合所得稅申報作業流程圖 20
圖2-3-2 手寫申報流程 23
圖2-3-3 手寫申報操作流程圖 26
圖2-3-4 網路申報流程 27
圖2-3-5 MOICA憑證IC卡個人申請流程圖 29
圖2-3-6 網路申報操作流程圖 32
圖2-3-7 電子申報繳稅整體系列架構圖 34
圖2-3-8 二維申報流程 35
圖2-3-9 二維申報操作流程圖 38
圖 2-4-1 財稅網路-財稅中心與北、高國稅局 48
圖2-4-2 財政部台灣省北、中、南三區國稅局電腦設備配置圖 49
圖2-4-3 國稅資訊作業平台系統架構圖 49
圖3-1-1 電子化/網路化政府中程計畫 55
圖3-1-2 電子化政府推動方案 56
圖3-3-1 平台移轉前財稅網路系統架構圖 63
圖3-3-2 平台移轉後財稅網路系統架構圖 63
圖3-3-3 電子申報繳稅之網路架構 68
圖3-3-4 電子申報繳稅之應用系統平台 68
圖4-3-1 綜合所得稅提供民眾全程服務 88
表2-3-1 85年度~93年度綜合所得稅網路申報件數統計表 22
表2-3-2 86年度~93年度綜合所得稅二維申報件數統計表 22
表2-3-3 三種申報流程比較 39
表2-4-2 國稅資訊作業系統平台 50
表2-4-3 國稅資訊作業週邊設備 50
表2-4-4 國稅資訊作業各項軟體數量、License及使用平台 51
表2-4-5 國稅資訊作業現行應用系統 52
表2-4-6 國稅資訊作業稅務及OA教育訓練 52
表2-4-7 國稅資訊作業硬體及應用程式開發教育訓練 53
表3-3-1 「電子申報繳稅整體資訊作業」系統之IT構成要素 67
表3-4-1 85年度~93度綜合所得稅電子申報件數統計表 69
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