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Title page for etd-0719111-133331
The Effect of Technology Compatibility and Faithfulness of Appropriation on the User Satisfaction of EIP.
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Enterprise information portal, User satisfaction, Task- Technology fit theory, Faithfulness of appropriation, Technology compatibility
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Along with the rapid and continuing evolution of enterprise computerization, enterprise establishes Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) gradually. The function and property of EIP changing with complicated environment and technology. Thus, the way enterprise adopt and use the EIP will influence enterprise operating and users satisfaction of EIP and the faithfulness of appropriation of information system will influencing user satisfaction.
The goal of this research is to find the significant factors that link between the user satisfaction of EIP and faithfulness of appropriation by using diamond model and contingency theory. We combine with three distinct factors of compatibility, including (1) Technology–Task Compatibility (2) Technology–People Compatibility (3) Technology–Organization Compatibility, to build an integrated model.
An empirical survey methodology is applied to test the research model and six hypotheses are developed in this study, and then we use PLS to analysis it. The results reveal that Technology–Task Compatibility contributes most to the use of EIP. It implies that EIP should fulfill the task needs of users to promote user satisfaction. Moreover, Technology–People Compatibility implies that it will enhance the user satisfaction if the EIP is more compatible with user past experience and value. We also found that as EIP is more compatible with enterprise needs of tasks, and people, and the way user use EIP is more faithful with the purpose of the designer will promote user satisfaction of EIP.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter1. Introduction and Problems…………...........01
1.2 Motivations…………………………………...............02
1.3 Propose……………………………………………...04
Chapter2. Literature Review and Theatrical
2.1Enterprise Information Portals….............................05
2.2 Compatibility…………………………………….......08
2.2.1 Contingency Theory………………………….......08
2.2.2 Diamond Model………………………..................10
2.2.3 Technology-Task Compatibility………...............11
2.2.4 Technology-People Compatibility……………...14
2.2.5 Technology-Organization Compatibility….........16
2.3 Appropriation……………………………..................19
2.3.1 Faithfulness of Appropriation……………...........20
2.3.2 Fit-Appropriation Model………………………….21
2.4 User Satisfaction………………………...................23
Chapter3. Research model and hypotheses ...........25
3.1 Research Model………………………………........25
3.2 Research Hypotheses………………………..…...26
Chapter4. Research Method ……………………..…..31
4.1 Subject……………………………………………....31
4.2 Measure………………………………………….…32
4.3 Procedure……………………………………..........35
4.4 Data Collection…………………………….………36
4.5 Common Method Variance……………………....37
Chapter5. Data Analysis ..............................................39
5.1Assessment of Measurement Model…………...40
5.2Analysis of the Structural Model………………....43
Chapter6. Discussion and Implication…………….46
6.1 Discussion…………………………………..........46
6.2 Theoretical Contribution…………………….......49
6.3 Implication for Practitioner..………………..........50
6.4 Limitation and Suggestions for Future Study...52
6.5 Conclusion……………………………………......53
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