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Title page for etd-0721108-120109
An Empirical Analysis of The Factors of Online Game Stickiness
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continuance use, presence, uses and gratification theory, online game, stickiness
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由於網際網路爆炸性的成長,而形成許多新型態的線上社群,在這些線上社群當中,線上遊戲一直被視為是最主流的線上娛樂科技,而這個趨勢也將一直延續下去。然而,因為網際網路的特性降低了使用者的轉換成本,使得使用者能夠輕易的由原瀏覽的網站轉換到另一網站瀏覽的網站,而這種情形也同時發生在線上遊戲市場。因此當網站黏著度 (Stickiness)被視為是電子商務成功的一個重要因素的同時,如何吸引遊戲玩家注意,並更進一步使其願意花更多的時間來玩線上遊戲 (Stickiness)便成了各家線上遊戲開發者與公司的一大挑戰。本研究以使用與滿足理論為基礎,結合服務機制 (例如:安全性,公平性及誘因)和媒體的因素 (例如:空間臨場感與社會臨場感),以研究什麼因素將影響遊戲玩家對線上遊戲的黏著度。本研究總共回收274份有效問卷,並以PLS進行分析。研究結果指出,除了臨場感之外,其餘因素都將影響遊戲玩家對於線上遊戲的持續使用動機 (CM),而CM也對遊戲玩家對線上遊戲的黏著度有顯著的影響。最後,本研究也同時研究人員及實務上提出一些討論與建議。
The explosive proliferation of Internet usage has enabled a number of new online communities to be established. Among them, online games have been representing the leading technological edge of the entertainment sector and the trend is expected to continue. The nature of Internet has enabled its users easy to hop from one website to another only several clicks away with very little cost. While website stickiness is regarded as a significant factor to e-commerce success, how to attract the attention of gamers and make them stick around has become a big challenge for both online game developers and providers. Based on the uses and gratification theory, this study proposed a model which integrated use and gratification with service mechanism (i.e. fairness, security, and incentive) and media factor (i.e. spatial presence and social presence) to investigate what determines player’s online game stickiness. The partial least squares method was applied to empirically evaluate the proposed model using survey data collected from 274 online gamers. Our findings indicate that all variables except presence have positive significant effects on continuance motivation (CM), and CM also significantly affects gamers’ stickiness. The implications of this work to both researchers and practitioners are discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
1. Introduction.........................................................................1
2. Theoretical background and conceptual model development..............................3
2.1 Online games........................................................................3
2.2 Uses and Gratification theory.......................................................4
2.3 Two-Factor Theory...................................................................7
2.4 Presence............................................................................9
3. Methodology.........................................................................12
3.1 Sample.............................................................................12
3.2 Measurement development............................................................12
4. Results.............................................................................13
4.1 Description statistics.............................................................13
4.2 Analysis...........................................................................13
4.3 The measurement model..............................................................14
4.4 Tests of the structural model......................................................15
5. Discussion and Conclusion...........................................................15
6. Limitations and Implication.........................................................17
Appendix A. List of items by construct.................................................24

Fig. 1 The structure of the online game players.........................................2
Fig. 2 Uses and Gratification Theory....................................................5
Fig. 3 Conceptual model................................................................12
Fig. 4 The empirical results of online game............................................16

Table 1 Satisfaction-Dissatisfaction of Two-factor theory...............................8
Table 2 Sample demographics............................................................19
Table 3 Factor loadings and Cross Loadings.............................................20
Table 4 Confirmatory factor loadings and t value for the full model....................21
Table 5 Inter-Construct Correlations: Consistency and Reliability Tests................22
Table 6 Path Coefficients..............................................................23
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