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博碩士論文 etd-0722110-133758 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0722110-133758
The research of localization differential factors of Taiwan Enterprise and International Corporation
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International Human Resource Management (IHRM), expatriated CEO, subsidiary CEO staffing, Localization Manager, Taiwan enterprise
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This study of Taiwanese managers in overseas subsidiaries, the appointment of high thinking, because the layout of Taiwan businessmen in the world of enterprise, both in Europe and the United States or in mainland China and other places, almost all of its subsidiaries responsible for the nationals, rather than local nationals, and this practice with European and American foreign just the opposite. Taiwanese firms such practices, what reaction to what Taiwanese thinking. This study uses the case interview, a total of three Taiwanese high-end interview with a foreign manager, general manager for content analysis.
The results showed that Taiwanese business culture heritage importance, that have a common intellectual culture can communicate seamlessly. Second, is the head of Taiwan to overseas subsidiaries as a reward for a job, people who have contributed to the company to get this position, the third, a complete financial system, local Taiwanese that if appointments to subsidiary responsible person, then the completeness of the financial system is essential, however, that this problem of foreign production, but also Taiwan's accounting system is the result of lack of transparency. Finally, Taiwan's Pan-Familism and views on human nature as "human nature is evil," the basic assumption that all is to allow Taiwan businessmen in overseas subsidiaries, the appointment of responsible persons, who take the nationality of the reasons for this appointment.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 5
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第一節 國際企業的發展 7
第二節 國際人力資源發展策略 17
第三節 國際經理人的任用 25
第四節 本土經理人的任用 30
第三章 研究方法 34
第一節 個案研究法與質性研究 34
第二節 研究對象 38
第三節 訪談題目大綱暨研究流程 42
第四章 資料分析 44
第一節 企業文化的考量 44
第二節因地制宜:考慮任用當地經理人的因素 49
第三節 他人之石,可以攻錯: 54
台商如何解讀外商的任用制度 54
第四節 The Blind side:外商觀點來看台商 58
第五章 研究討論與建議 63
第一節 研究結果與討論 63
第二節 本研究的貢獻與限制 67
參考文獻 69
中文 69
英文 70

表2 1多國、全球、國際、跨國企業的組織特質 10
表 2 2跨國組織管理模型 12
表 2 3國際企業所有權型態之優缺點比較 15
表 2 4不同策略的國際人力資源管理 19
表 2 5台商外派經理人考慮因素及優缺點 33
表 3 1訪談公司簡介 39
表 3 2訪談對象資料 40
表 3 3研究流程表 43
表 4-1外商經理人本地化制度 59
表 4 2外商經理人本地化的考量 61
表 5 1台商海外子公司任用研究結果摘要 64
圖 2 1整合-回應架構 11
圖 2 2子公司策略之分析架構 13
圖 2 3本土人力資源需求 20
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