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博碩士論文 etd-0723107-171116 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0723107-171116
A Test Data Evolution Strategy under Program Changes
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Hybrid Genetic Algorithm, Regression testing, Software Testing
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Since the cost of software testing has continuously accounted for large proportion of the software development total cost, automatic test data generation becomes a hot topic in recent software testing research. These researches attempt to reduce the cost of software testing by generating test data automatically, but they are discussed only for the single version programs not for the programs which are needed re-testing after changing. On the other hand, the regression testing researches discuss about how to re-test programs after changing, but they don’t talk about how to generate test data automatically. Therefore, we propose an automatic test data evolution strategy in this paper. We use the method of regression testing to find out the part of programs which need re-testing, then automatic evolutes the test data by hybrid genetic algorithm. According to the experiment result, our strategy has the same or better testing ability but needs less cost than the other strategies.
目次 Table of Contents
1. 緒論 1
1.1. 背景 1
1.2. 動機 2
1.3. 問題描述與研究目的 4
2. 文獻探討 6
2.1.1. 迴歸測試的分類 7
2.1.2. 迴歸測試的議題 9
2.1.3. 選擇性迴歸測試的策略 11
2.1.4. Pythia 14
2.2. 程式頻譜(PROGRAM SPECTRA) 16
2.2.1. 程式頻譜的種類 17
2.2.2. 程式頻譜的比較 20
2.3.1. 局部搜尋(local search) 23
2.3.2. 基因演算法(genetic algorithm) 24
2.3.3. 混和式基因演算法(hybrid genetic algorithm) 25
2.4. 突變測試(MUTATION TESTING) 25
3. 研究方法與步驟 27
3.1. 先前的做法 27
3.2. 自動演化測試資料策略 28
3.3. 受測程式 33
3.4. 研究方法 35
3.4.1. 實驗設計 35
3.4.2. 測試資料產生方法與實驗流程 36
4. 結果與討論 40
4.1. 實驗結果 40
4.2. 實驗結果討論 46
4.2.1. 演化次數 46
4.2.2. 新產生的測試資料數目 51
4.2.3. 分析的成本 52
4.2.4. 分支涵蓋率 52
4.2.5. 缺陷發現的能力 53
5. 結論 55
參考文獻 57
附錄A:TRIANGLE1的原始碼與控制流程圖 61
附錄B:TRIANGLE3的原始碼與控制流程圖 64
附錄C:TRIANGLE4的原始碼與控制流程圖 67
附錄D:ATOF的原始碼與控制流程圖 70
附錄E:REMAINDER的原始碼與控制流程圖 73
附錄F:COMPLEXBRANCH的原始碼與控制流程圖 75
附錄G:演化次數之獨立樣本T檢定 78
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