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Title page for etd-0723110-024701
The Relationships among Intellectual Capital, Logistics Capabilities and Logistics Performance
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Structural capital, Human capital, Relational capital, Logistics performance, Logistics capabilities
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本研究以台灣運籌服務業者做為研究樣本,共寄發放出1,033份問卷,回收有效問卷109 份,整體的有效問卷回收率為10.6 %。最後利用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)分析,研究結果發現:運籌服務業者的結構資本、關係資本與運籌能耐會正向影響運籌績效;人力資本、結構資本與關係資本也會正向影響運籌服務業者的運籌能耐。雖然人力資本對運籌績效沒有顯著關係存在,然由分析結果發現人力資本可透過運籌能耐之中介效果間接影響運籌績效。因此,本研究建議運籌服務業者欲提升運籌績效時,應積極強化其智慧資本,進而提升運籌能耐,以提升運籌績效。
As enterprises have increased the demand for logistics services, the role of logistics service providers (LSPs) as home bases for merchandise transportation and distribution has consequently become increasingly important. Therefore, how to strengthen the logistics capability and promote the logistics performance has become an important topic. In addition, traditionally the perspective of treating tangible assets as the location of firm’s value has been gradually diminished. The intangible intellectual capital is increasingly playing a pivotal position for the firm’s performance. Researchers studied the field of intellectual capital argued that intellectual capital was the main source of organizational competitive advantages. Besides, they thought that the better the intellectual capital a company has, the better the business can have the ability to generate performance. However, researchers seldom distinguished static intellectual capital from dynamic capability for utilizing intellectual capital. Whereas, this study proposed that these two constructs were different concepts, and would like to explore the impact of utilizing intellectual capital on logistics performance. Consequently, this study integrated the concept of RBT and dynamic capability to offer a conceptual model, a survey of LSPs was undertaken in order to examine the relationships among intellectual capital, logistics capabilities and firm performance, using the structural equation modeling technique (SEM) analysis method.
Previous researches had concerned the tangible resources, capabilities and firm performance, however, less from the perspective of intangible resources to study this subject. Hence, after reviewing the relevant literature, we conclude human capital, structural capital, and relational capital as dimensions of intellectual capital. Furthermore, from the empirical results of related scholars’ researches, this study argues that it has a directly significant effect of logistics capabilities on logistics performance, and logistics capabilities are the critical factors for utilizing intellectual capital. Moreover, this research proposes that logistics capabilities are complex constructs. Therefore, we should clarify these constructs and provide an appropriate measurement tool with reliability and validity if we would like to measure them. Consequently, logistics capabilities were identified: service capability, innovation capability, and flexibility capability. Finally, after clarifying the definition and extracting the components of each variable from the literature review, this research deduced several hypotheses and formed the research framework.
In this study, we take logistics service providers in Taiwan as the study sample. A total of 1,033 questionnaires were hand delivered and the remaining 109, valid and complete, were used for quantitative analysis. The useable response rate was 10.6%. A structural equation modeling (SEM) approach was employed to test the research hypotheses. Results indicated that structural capital, relational capital, and logistics capabilities had a significant positive effect on logistics performance. Results also indicated that human capital, structural capital, and relational capital had a positive effect on LSPs’ logistics capabilities. While human capital was not found to have a direct positive effect on LSPs’ logistics performance, it was found to have an indirect effect on logistics performance mediated by logistics capability. According to the results, LSPs should enhance the intangible resource - intellectual capital, further heighten their understanding of logistics capabilities and identify how such capabilities may affect logistics performance, therefore develop effective logistics strategies.
目次 Table of Contents
1-1 Research Background and Motives 1
1-2 Research Objectives and Scope 6
2-1 Logistics Capabilities 9
2-2 Logistics Capabilities and Logistics Performance 20
2-3 Intellectual Capital 22
2-4 Intellectual Capital and Logistics Capabilities 34
2-5 The Mediating Effect of Logistics Capability 36
Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY 40
3-1 Research Framework 40
3-2 Hypotheses 40
3-3 Variable Definition and Measurement 41
3-4 Sampling and Data Collection 48
3-5 Common Method Variance 51
3-6 Data Analysis 52
4-1 Exploratory Factor Analysis 56
4-2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis 61
4-3 Empirical Results 69
5-1 Conclusions and Contributions 77
5-2 Implications 78
5-3 Limitations 80
5-4 Future Research Suggestions 81
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