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Title page for etd-0724106-032443
The Relationship between Human Resource Flexibility and Firm Performance: Examining the Moderating Effects of Environmental Uncertainty
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firm performance, environmental uncertainty, HR flexibility
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A contingency model describing the moderating effects of perceived environmental uncertainty on the relationship between human resource flexibility (HR flexibility) and firm performance was proposed and tested. This study aimed to examine the relationship between different dimensions of HR flexibility and firm performance and further investigated the moderating effect of environmental uncertainty on this relationship.
A survey research was conducted using a sample of publicly traded firms listed in Taiwan Economic Journal data bank. Data was collected from different sources, including the opinions of CEO and HR managers in each company and the public disclosure of corporate information. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses.
After collecting empirical data and performing the factor analysis, five dimensions of HR flexibility, including behavior flexibility, skill flexibility, financial flexibility, functional flexibility, and market-oriented flexibility, were identified in this study. By testing Hypothesis1, results showed that skill flexibility, functional flexibility and market-oriented could predict some of the performance measures. However, behavior flexibility and financial flexibility had no significant influence on any firm performance measures. By testing Hypothesis2, three dimensions of environmental uncertainty were identified first. They were response uncertainty, effect uncertainty, and state uncertainty. Then, the results of the hierarchical regression models supported the argument that effect uncertainty positively moderated the influence of behavior, skill and functional flexibility on firm performance. But, the moderating effects of response and state uncertainty were not supported. Implications and future research directions were suggested in the final part of this study.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Objectives 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
2.1 Human Resource Flexibility 8
2.2 Relationship between HR Flexibility and Firm Performance 21
2.3 The Moderating Effect of Environmental Uncertainty 27
Chapter 3 Methodology 33
3.1 Research Framework 33
3.2 Sample Selection and Procedure 34
3.3 Data Collection 34
3.4 Measuring Instruments 38
3.5 Statistical Analysis Procedures 45
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 47
4.1 Validity and Reliability 47
4.2 Descriptive Statistics and Correlations 54
4.3 Tests for Hypothesis 1 57
4.4 Tests for Hypothesis 2 62
4.5 Summary and Discussion of the Empirical Findings 103
Chapter 5 Conclusions 111
5.1 Conclusions and Contributions 111
5.2 Implications for Future Research 113
5.3 Limitations 114
References 115
AppendixⅠ Questionnaires for CEO 125
Appendix II Questionnaires for HR managers 126
Appendix III Questionnaire for Chinese and English Contrast 127
Appendix IV English Chinese Contrast for Firm Performance 130
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