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博碩士論文 etd-0724108-113057 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0724108-113057
A study of influencing factors for the service quality and customer satisfaction on Sunset Beach Resort
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
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organization management, service quality, service strategy of marketing, service management system, customer satisfaction
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The staffs of Sunset Beach Resort have been deliberating the leisure and natural atmosphere as well as elegant dinning and accommodation environment since the opening in 2002. The service quality is our first priority. Since the national depression throughout the country in recent years, however, our management is facing great challenge now. Local customers’ dinning habits also affect our decision making. Therefore, the most important issue of our management strategy is to improve the service quality and fulfill the customer satisfaction in order to increase the numbers of customers and income profit.

This research is focusing on the service quality and customer satisfaction within Sunset Beach Resort. The flowing are the purposes of our research including: 1. the surrounding areas and customers’ psychological factors and their influences on service strategy of marketing, 2. understanding of organization management, service strategy of marketing and service management system which significantly affects the service quality, 3. the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction, 4. improvement of strategy methods which likely improve the service quality and customer satisfaction.

Based on the introduction of the current cases, we first analyze the domestic economic environment and how it influences the business condition at Sea View Beach Resort. The design of the research methods is to interview the executives and employees within two weeks and to investigate the present conditions including: 1. organization management, 2. service strategy of marketing, 3. service management system which affects service quality and customer satisfaction.

Additional two-week period interview is also applied on the customers of the hotel and restaurant including: 1. location factors: surrounding areas and traffic, 2. customers’ psychological factors, 3. service strategy of marketing: marketing methods, 4. service quality, 5. customer satisfaction, 6. improving methods- customer enjoyment and fairness.

The research also includes survey on customers of Sunset Beach Resort. The questionnaires contain two major portions - “customer recognition” and “basic information” in order to obtain: 1. location factors: surrounding areas and traffic, 2. service strategy of marketing, 3. service quality, 4. customer satisfaction, 5. improving methods and their mutual influences. The information processing methods comprise: 1. detail analysis, 2. narrative statistics analysis, 3. recurrence analysis, 4. single factor modification analysis.

According to the outcome of the research and its mutual relations, the recurrence analysis reveals that location affects the service strategy of marketing; the service strategy of marketing of the hotel and restaurant affects service quality; service strategy and service quality affect customer satisfaction. The modification analysis unveils that customer age, occupation, monthly income, counts of dinning affect marketing method, service quality, and customer satisfaction; customer age, numbers of visit, and reasons of visit also affect the degree of satisfaction toward surrounding traffic. This research concludes some limited information which can be used in further references.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論..................................................................1
第一節 研究背景. ..........................................1
第二節 研究動機 .................................................1
第三節 研究目的...........................................................2
第四節 研究步驟...........................................................2
第二章 文獻回顧...........................................................4
第一節 服務品質.....................................................4
第二節 行銷服務策略........................................................8
第三節 服務業組織管理..............................................15
第四節 服務作業管理系統.............................................22
第五節 顧客滿意..........................................................33
第六節 改善做法十構面................................................37
第三章 研究方法...........................................................40
第一節 研究設計與架構..................................................40
第二節 資料蒐集方法.......................................................42
第三節 資料分析方法....................................................43
第四章 個案公司介紹......................................................44
第一節 公司簡介............................................................44
第二節 組織架構及人力配置..........................................45
第三節 管理狀況 ..................................................47
第四節 公司配置圖.....................................................48
第五節 社區環境因素................................................50
第五章 訪談研究............................................................52
第一節 問卷設計............................................................52
第二節 樣本資料...........................................................52
第三節 整體經營面分析.................................................54
第四節 海景餐廳訪談結果與分析.................................57
第五節 西子灣沙灘會館住宿訪談結果與分析..............76
第六章 實證研究..............................................................92
第一節 問卷設計...................................................92
第二節 樣本資料....................................................92
第三節 海景餐廳問卷分析.........................................97
第四節 西子灣沙灘會館住宿問卷分析.......................108
第七章 研究結論與建議............................120
第一節 結論................................................120
第二節 研究建議.............................................129
第三節 研究限制...............................................133
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