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博碩士論文 etd-0726105-140441 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0726105-140441
Lightweight Network Intrusion Detection
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Anomaly Detection, Intrusion Detection, Network Security
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5972 times, has been downloaded 3773 times.

  本研究只過濾每一個Telnet連線的前幾個資料封包,並只使用部分內容做入侵偵測,而非所有的封包和其內容,使本系統的負荷大大降低。本研究屬於異常偵測研究,我們將平日正常的網路流量過濾後建構成一個正常行為模式,在偵測時檢查過濾後的封包與正常行為模式的差異,透過異常分數計算函數,偏差愈大則給愈大的異常分數。最後,我們採用1999 DARPA入侵偵測評估資料集的資料來,5天訓練資料,10天測試資料,共44次攻擊事件,測試本研究提出的系統。本研究所提出的系統的偵測率在很低的誤報率 – 每日允許2次誤報下為73%; 在一些被DARPA認定是很難偵測的攻擊,其偵測率達80%。
Exploit codes based on system vulnerabilities are often used by attackers to attack target computers or services. Such exploit programs often send attack packets in the first few packets right after a connection established with the target machine or service. And such attacks are often launched via Telnet service as well. A lightweight network-based intrusion detection system is proposed on detecting such attacks on Telnet traffic.

The proposed system filters the first a few packets after each Telnet connection established and only uses partial data of a packet rather than total of it to detect intrusion, i.e. such design makes system load reduced a lot. This research is anomaly detection. The proposed system characterizes the normal traffic behavior and constructs it as a normal model based on the filtered normal traffic. In detection phase, the system examines the deviation of current filtered packet from the normal model via an anomaly score function, i.e. a more deviate packet will receive a higher anomaly score. Finally, we use 1999 DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation Data Set which contains 5 days of training data and 10 days of testing data, and 44 attack instances of 16 types of attacks, to evaluate our proposed system. The proposed system has the detection rate of 73% under a low false alarm rate of 2 false alarms per day; 80% for the hard detected attacks which are poorly detected in 1999 DARPA IDEP.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation 3
1.3 Outline of the Thesis 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 DARPA Off-Line Intrusion Detection Evaluation Program 5
2.1.1 DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation Dataset 6
2.1.2 Evaluation Measure 8
2.2 Related Studies 9
2.2.1 Lee et al.’s Work 9
2.2.2 Matthew V. Mahoney’s Work 13
Chapter 3 The Proposed Approach 15
3.1 Traffic Filter 16
3.2 Attribute Selection and Normal Profile Building 18
3.3 Anomaly Scoring Function 20
3.4. Post Process 22
Chapter 4 Experiment Design and Performance Analysis 23
4.1 Off-Line Evaluation Method 23
4.2 Experiment Design 25
4.3 Experiment Results 27
4.4 Performance Comparisons 30
4.4.1 Detection Rate Comparisons 30
4.4.2 Detection Rate Comparisons Based on False-Positive Error Rate 31
4.4.3 System load and Time Cost Comparisons 32
4.4.4 Anomaly Scoring Function Comparisons 33
4.4.5 Detection Comparisons on Hard Detected Attacks 35
Chapter 5 Conclusion 36
5.1 Contributions of LNID 36
5.2 Future Work 37
Reference 38
Appendix 41
Identification Scoring Truth in this Study 41
參考文獻 References
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