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博碩士論文 etd-0726107-100544 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0726107-100544
Toward Environmental Organizations Accountability:Construction of an Evaluative Framework and Empirical Study
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institutional theory, self-regulation, environmental movement, assessment
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本研究之主要目的是建構一套可供環保團體進行組織自我評估的課責表現衡量架構。採廣義的課責概念,本研究將課責定義為組織回應內、外期待,說明組織行為之結果與過程,以在社會中取得正當性。經由文獻探討,本研究結合實務、理論課責與對環保團體角色期待之內涵,建構出環保團體課責衡量之內容。這些衡量內容以制度論構面將其區分為「法規性」、「規範性」、「認知性」及「團體特性」四大類,共包含92 項課責衡量項目。為檢視本研究所提出之環保團體課責表現衡量架構之適用性,透過問卷發放蒐集環保團體領袖評估各項目之合理性、接受性、可執行性與重要性,最後從中篩選出45 項優先項目。這些優先項目可以界定一個「課責的」環保團體應衡量之內容,指引環保團體課責展現,有助於檢視環保團體自身的優缺點,因此具未來的實務價值。
For the past twenty years, environmental organizations have been the main force in Taiwan’s environmental movement. Meanwhile, the institutionalization of environmental organizations had placed them in a dilemma of organizational sustaining and mission pursuing. To continue its influence on public policy and environmental awareness, environmental organizations need to perform harder and better. In recent years, the government has cast environmental organizations in more roles, as well as allowed them to play a more important role in policy consulting. Many environmental organizations have thus become intermediate social institutions and should be held accountable. Moreover, since all environmental organizations have ecology as its stakeholder and many organizations are advocacy-orientated, their process performance needs to be evaluated in the accountability procedure. From a self-regulation perspective, environmental organizations should also develop behavioral norms for self-governance to earn social recognition and trust. In practice, however, laws concerning the accountability of environmental organizations or other NPOs are not well formulated.
The intent of this study is mainly to develop an accountability framework workable for self-assessment in environmental organizations. Taking a broad perspective, accountability is here defined as “accounts for the results and process of organizational activities are provided, by which nonprofit organizations are responsive to expectations generated within and outside the organization so as to gain legitimacy in society.” Synthesizing large literature on theoretical, practical accountability and role expectancy on environmental organizations, the framework, based on institutional theory, was constructed to evaluate accountability in “regulative”, “normative”, “cognitive” and “organizational characteristics” dimensions, totally consisting of 92 items. Survey data from the leaders of environmental organizations were collected to examine the evaluative framework’s feasibility by their assessing each item’s reasonability, acceptability, practicability, and importance. As a result, 45 priority items out of 92 were selected, which identify the evaluative contents for an “accountable” environmental organization, and can be taken as a useful checklist in future to scrutinize organizations’ accountability and performance.
Moreover, additional results from in-depth interviewing environmental organizations’ leaders showed that they generally regard regulative accountability as acceptable, normative accountability as reasonable but difficult to achieve, and cognitive accountability as important in delineate organizations’ mission and identity as well as adapting themselves to the society.
Among the major findings of this studyare that environmental organizations accept their social responsibility and acknowledge the benefit of performance evaluation, but organizations and the society know little about the concept of accountability. These organizations also believed that the present social institutions and organizational conditions are unhelpful or even harmful for them to take accountability actions. These reasons incline environmental organizations to agree to more external regulation than self-regulation. In the meantime, the above situations mostly hinder launching accountability and performance evaluation in organizations. To drive self-regulation in environmental organizations, institutional building is suggested; that is to couple organizations’ performance evaluation and advancement with self-assessment by expanding knowledge on accountability among the society and making institutional incentives available.
目次 Table of Contents
第1章 緒論 1-1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1-2
1.2 研究問題與目的 1-7
1.3 研究範圍定位 1-7
1.4 名詞界定 1-8
第2章 文獻探討 2-1
2.1 課責的概念與意涵 2-1
2.1.1 課責的意涵面向 2-1
2.1.2 課責的特性 2-12
2.1.3 課責的內容與機制 2-15
2.2 非營利組織課責 2-18
2.2.1 非營利組織課責之發展與研究 2-18
2.2.2 非營利組織課責之特性 2-24
2.2.3 非營利組織的課責內容與機制 2-32
2.3 環保團體的課責 2-44
2.3.1 環保團體的類型與行動內容 2-44
2.3.2 環保團體之性質與體制現狀 2-48
2.3.3 環保團體的角色期待 2-59
2.3.4 環保團體課責表現衡量架構之建構 2-70
第3章 研究方法 3-1
3.1 研究架構與問題 3-1
3.1.1 研究架構 3-1
3.1.2 研究問題 3-3
3.2 環保團體課責表現衡量架構與內容 3-5
3.2.1 課責衡量架構的構成 3-5
3.2.2 課責衡量架構的內容與項目 3-6
3.3 資料蒐集與分析方法 3-12
3.3.1 問卷調查與分析方法 3-12
3.3.2 深度訪談與分析方法 3-15
第4章 研究結果 4-1
4.1 問卷調查統計分析與項目篩選 4-1
4.1.1 環保團體領袖問卷 4-1
4.1.2 政府官員問卷 4-6
4.1.3 課責表現衡量項目篩選 4-9
4.2 深度訪談分析 4-11
4.2.1對課責展現的認知與態度 4-12
4.2.2 課責展現推動風險和建議 4-19
4.2.3課責展現與衡量之困難與問題 4-25
第5章 討論與建議 5-1
5.1 課責表現衡量架構與內容項目 5-1
5.1.1 環保團體領袖與政府官員調查意見 5-1
5.1.2 理論課責表現衡量架構之適用性 5-5
5.2 課責展現與衡量的施行 5-7
5.2.1 對課責展現的認知與態度 5-7
5.2.2推動課責展現與衡量的問題 5-10
5.2.3課責展現與衡量的施行與制度面關係 5-12
5.3 推動課責衡量機制的建議 5-16
5.4 研究限制與後續研究建議 5-18
5.5 研究貢獻 5-19
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