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Title page for etd-0727111-214121
The impacts of corporate green strategy on competitive advantage- the green corporate culture as moderator
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competitive advantage, Green strategy, Green corporate culture, Green management
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The mounting environmental problems cause the strict international environmental regulations, arouse the customers’ environmental awareness, and changing the patterns of business competition around the world. Green management, which is highly connected to sustainable development, is bringing to light and the curtain of corporate greening lifts. This study aims to probe the relationship between green strategy and competitive advantage- what strategies enterprises take under the green trend and what competitive advantages are achieved. The role green corporate culture plays is also discussed. The findings show that the practice of green strategy which differs from firm’s resources and industrial characters generates different competitive advantages. The strength of green corporate culture is positively related to companies’ “age”. Firms with strong green corporate culture can efficiently execute the green strategy and bring out strong competitive advantages. Otherwise, TMT should make efforts on conveying green vision to drive the practice of green strategy and secure competitive advantages.
目次 Table of Contents
Acknowledgement i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Research Background 1
1.2. Research Motivation and Objectives 2
1.3. Research Procedure 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 6
2.1. Corporate Greening and Green Management 6
2.2. Competitive Advantage 7
2.2.1. RBV Approach toward Building Competitive Advantages 7
2.2.2. Definition of Competitive Advantage 9
2.3. Green Strategies 10
2.3.1. Definition of Strategy 10
2.3.2. Definition of Green Strategy 11
2.3.3. Green Strategy and Competitive Advantage 14
2.4. Green Corporate Culture 14
2.4.1. Definition of Corporate Culture 14
2.4.2. Definition of Green Corporate Culture 15
2.4.3. Green Corporate Culture as Moderator 17
Chapter 3 Research Methods 19
3.1. Research Framework 19
3.2. Qualitative and Quantitative Research 20
3.2.1. Qualitative Approach 21
3.2.2. Quantitative Approach 21
3.3. Data and Samples 21
3.3.1. Case Company Profiles 21
3.3.2. The Questionnaire 26
Chapter 4 Analysis and Findings 27
4.1. Qualitative Analysis 27
4.1.1. Green Strategy Taken by Case Companies 27
4.1.2. Green Strategy Summary 31
4.1.3. Corporate Green Culture of Case Companies 35
4.1.4. Green Corporate Culture Summary 38
4.1.5. Competitive Advantage of Case Companies 43
4.1.6. Competitive Advantage Summary 46
4.2. Quantitative Analysis 50
4.2.1. Reliability Statistics 50
4.2.2. Descriptive statistics 51
4.2.3. Correlation Table 52
4.2.4. ANOVA Analysis 54
Chapter 5 Conclusion 56
5.1. Summary and Discussion 56
5.2. Managerial Practice 59
5.3. Further Research Suggestion 60
References 61
Appendix 1. The Questionnaire 65
Appendix 2. Interview Verbatim Manuscript 68
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