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Title page for etd-0728106-140629
The social edge teenager use pass the research immediately.
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instant messenger, family, parentage, Edge teenager
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Instant Messenger has become one of the most popular software among juvenile and almost can not be parted from their lives. This research would like to probe deeper into the significance of Messenger in those minority families which are marginalized by the whole society. Therefore, this research takes the minority juvenile, being less social welfare distributed, as the subject, through fundamental interviews of cases, to have an understanding of these juvenile’s using Messenger and Messenger’s significance in their daily lives. This research presents in two ways: one is through story narration providing ample information and clues to achieve an overall understanding; second is to analyze. Aiming at the purpose, divided into the form of relation-establishing and the motive and mechanism of interrelation to analyze the phenomenon of using Messenger.
The research finds that these juvenile mostly come from a minority family, such as grand parenting. They lack parental care, get lower grades and cannot get identified by the teachers. As a result, they are depressed in real life. In addition, these juvenile use Messenger in different and distinctive ways from others. Which include : a good means of “calling together” – to call friends and fellows into group fight; a stealthy way of running away from home – to use Messenger for preparation of running away from home; “group” – to communicate in an utmost speed; “E generation affaire d’amour” – Messenger becomes a tool for developing affaire d’amour; a secret means of interconnection; pressure releasing – to release pressure from life through chatting with friends in Messenger; to generate self-identification through using Messenger. For these frustrated juvenile who come from minority families and can not get satisfaction from school and society, Messenger is a bigger inducement. Therefore, the society, their parents and teachers should pay more concern and care to these minority group of juvenile.
目次 Table of Contents
Instant Messenger has become one of the most popular software among juvenile and almost can not be parted from their lives. This research would like to probe deeper into the significance of Messenger in those minority families which are marginalized by the whole society. Therefore, this research takes the minority juvenile, being less social welfare distributed, as the subject, through fundamental interviews of cases, to have an understanding of these juvenile’s using Messenger and Messenger’s significance in their daily lives. This research presents in two ways: one is through story narration providing ample information and clues to achieve an overall understanding; second is to analyze. Aiming at the purpose, divided into the form of relation-establishing and the motive and mechanism of interrelation to analyze the phenomenon of using Messenger.
The research finds that these juvenile mostly come from a minority family, such as grand parenting. They lack parental care, get lower grades and cannot get identified by the teachers. As a result, they are depressed in real life. In addition, these juvenile use Messenger in different and distinctive ways from others. Which include : a good means of “calling together” – to call friends and fellows into group fight; a stealthy way of running away from home – to use Messenger for preparation of running away from home; “group” – to communicate in an utmost speed; “E generation affaire d’amour” – Messenger becomes a tool for developing affaire d’amour; a secret means of interconnection; pressure releasing – to release pressure from life through chatting with friends in Messenger; to generate self-identification through using Messenger. For these frustrated juvenile who come from minority families and can not get satisfaction from school and society, Messenger is a bigger inducement. Therefore, the society, their parents and teachers should pay more concern and care to these minority group of juvenile.
目 錄
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
誌 謝 詞 vi
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節:研究背景、動機 2
第二節、研究目的 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節、網路發展歷程 6
第二節:即時通的發展與應用 9
第三節:青少年之網路使用行為 18
第四節:青少年之身心問題與壓力 26
第五節:青少年之家庭、學校、社會問題 36
第三章、研究方法 52
第一節、研究方法 52
第二節、研究設計 57
第三節、研究對象 58
第四節、研究流程 58
第四章:個案陳敘 60
第一節:個案背景簡介 60
第二節:個案陳述模式 65
第三節、個案故事陳述 67
個案A 72
個案B 88
個案C 98
個案D 109
個案E 120
個案F 132
第五章:結果分析 130
第一節、社會邊緣青少年使用即時通的現象 130
第二節:家庭部分 149
第三節、學校部分 170
第六章、研究結論與建議 179
第一節、結論 180
第二節、建議 185
第三節、結語 190
參考文獻 192
參考文獻 References
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