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博碩士論文 etd-0729102-113436 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0729102-113436
Reintermediation Strategies for Traditional Channel : The Case of Office Supplies
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reintermediation, office supply, MRO materials
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本研究以德菲法(Delphi method)為研究方法,針對研究架構中的三個構面加以分析,經由四回合之專家問卷後,並對照所觀察之五個個案,提出一適合國內產業特性之辦公文具電子商務營運模式。並建議傳統辦公文具通路商結合資訊科技公司與相關MRO供應商,共同開發辦公文具電子商務之解決方案。在有關顧客服務方面,以自身之獨特性資產為基礎,提供企業採購者辦公文具之管理,並針對企業辦公文具採購流程開發適合國內企業採用之辦公文具採購自動化軟體,以達到傳統辦公文具通路商再仲介化之目的。

With the advent of Internet, On-line intermediaries have put tremendous pressures on traditional intermediaries which might be disintermediated without resort to information technology. The IDR model was thus to bring about the interpretation how traditional intermediaries could regain their competitive advantage by utilizing co-specialized assets and information technology.
Office supply is the domain of this research. Through observation of on-line office stationary suppliers and interviews with domain experts, the factors for constructing reintermediation strategies of traditional channel are as follows:
1. The business model of office supply.
2. The characteristics of office stationery procurement.
3. The co-specialized assets of traditional office supplies.
These three factors lead to development of questionnaire in the Delphi method implemented in this research. Based upon the expert opinions from the Delphi method and the review of business model implemented by the domestic on-line stationary suppliers, this research proposed a business model with feature of domestic industry characteristics. The reintermediation strategies proposed in this research have addressed the development of e-commerce solution and the support of customer service. The traditional office stationary distributors might team up with other suppliers and information technology companies to develop a B2B e-commerce solution. As for the customer service, they could provide inventory management for enterprise users based upon their distinctive co-specialized assets. Furthermore, a development of procurement software for office supplies is necessary because it automates the procurement process and facilitates the vender managed inventory service.

目次 Table of Contents
第1章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
1.3研究流程 3
第2章 文獻回顧 4
2.1市場功能、行銷通路與中間商功能 4
2.2 傳統通路商面臨之挑戰及轉變 9
2.3 辦公文具業電子商務 23
2.4 企業MRO採購流程 45
第3章 研究架構與方法 55
3.1 研究架構 55
3.2 研究方法設計 57
第4章 DELPHI問卷過程 62
4.1第一回合問卷 62
4.2第二回合問卷 71
4.3第三回合問卷 76
4.4第四回合問卷 81
第5章 研究結果分析 82
5.1電子商務帶給傳統辦公文具通路商之威脅 82
5.2 電子商務經營模式帶來的價值 84
5.3 辦公文具業電子商務經營模式之問題及解決方法 89
5.3 辦公文具業電子商務經營模式之問題及解決方法 90
5.4 企業辦公文具採購流程之問題及解決方式 96
5.5 傳統通路商獨特性資產 98
5.6 綜合分析 105
第6章 結論與建議 110
6.1 研究結論 110
6.2 研究限制 116
6.3 後續研究建議 117
參考文獻 118
附錄 121
參考文獻 References
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