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博碩士論文 etd-0729102-164334 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0729102-164334
A study of the Implementation of Collaborative Product Commerce System
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Collaborative Product Commerce, System Implementation, Adaptive Structuration Theory
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產品是企業的核心,且產品大部份的成本在設計階段就已經決定了,因此有效的管理設計鏈,才能設計更符合顧客需求的產品,降低成本,加快產品上市的時間。而為了達成這些目標,企業紛紛開始導入協同產品商務 (Collaborative Product Commerce, CPC)系統。而CPC系統主要就是為了讓企業所有的員工、客戶以及供應商在整個產品生命週期內共同設計、開發及管理產品。
研究結果發現,CPC的導入,受到CPC本身的精神、組織環境、任務特性、團隊內部結構的影響,而產生了不同的專用 (appropriate)的過程,而對於企業有不同的影響,並產生了不同的組織績效,而這是各個構面之間互動的結果。
Product is the core of an enterprise, and the major portion of its cost is determined in the design phase. By managing the design chain more effectively the enterprise can design the product to fit customer need, cut down cost and speed up time to market. All the benefits give rise to the implementation of Collaborative Product Commerce (CPC) system, whose purpose is to let all relevant parties including the focal company, customers, and suppliers to design, develop and manage the product in its whole product life cycle.
In the literature of information technology (IT) and organizational change, the expected results of IT implementation may not happen, depending on the interaction between technology and organization. To illustrate this phenomenon, Adaptive Structuration Theory’s (AST) is invoked to probe into the interaction between the CPC system and the organization.
Our research findings indicated that the implementation of CPC system is influenced by the CPC’s spirit, organizational environment, task features and group’s internal structure. All these lead to variation in the appropriation process, which in turn has impact on the organizational performance.
AST is helpful to explain the problems encountered in implementing CPC system. These include the improvement of product design and development process, the integration of CPC system and ERP system, the selection of consulting firms, and the user’s attitudes.
The CPC spirit is to achieve the optimized product design and development process. In the aspect of organizational environment, both executive support and openness of organizational culture are positive factors for implementation. In the aspect task feature, the relationship of the focal company with its downstream or upstream partners has significant impact on the task to be implemented by the CPC system, whether the appropriation process will go smoothly depends the reengineering effort made on the existing processes. In the aspect of group’s internal structure, the experience, learning capability, and computer efficacy of user have positive impact on implementation. In addition, the consultants are also helpful to the implementation, which can be judged by their experiences, turnover rate, and domain knowledge. The appropriation process is evaluated by the consensus and the attitude of the user towards the CPC system, and these two factors all have positive impact on the implementation.
The final conclusion renders that a prior established product data management in company with product design and development process reengineering will be helpful to the implementation of CPC system. In addition, the consultants interpret CPC’s spirit. Therefore a partnership with the consultant company and the communication between the user and the consultant are helpful to the implementation of CPC system.

目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1.1 科技與組織變革觀點 4
2.1.2 調適性結構化理論(AST) 7
2.1.3 AST的理論模型 8
2.1.4 AST的命題 11
2.2 協同(COLLABORATION)新趨勢 12
2.2.2 協同產品資料管理 23
2.2.4 協同產品開發 26
2.2.5 經濟部示範性資訊應用開發計畫 26
2.3.1 協同產品商務的定義 31
2.3.2 驅動CPC出現的主要因素 31
2.3.3 CPC解決方案對台灣製造業的特殊意義 33
2.3.4 CPC可帶來的優勢 34
2.3.5 CPC解決方案供應商的分類 38
2.3.6 為什麼企業需要採行CPC 41
2.3.7 CPC系統實施與運作的主要挑戰 43
2.3.8 CPC解決方案的市場現況 44
2.3.9 CPC解決方案的提供者 46
2.3.10 CPC解決方案的發展趨勢 48
2.4 PTC參數科技WINDCHILL架構 49
2.4.1 參數科技簡介 50
2.4.2 WINDCHILL簡介 50
2.4.3 WINDCHILL之模組介紹 52
第三章 研究架構與研究方法 57
3.1 研究架構 57
3.2 研究構面 58
3.3 研究方法 62
3.4 研究設計 63
3.5 個案選擇 63
3.6 資料來源 64
3.7 研究流程 65
第四章 個案描述 66
4.1 個案A 66
4.1.1 公司概況 66
4.1.2 產業環境 67
4.1.3 系統導入 68
4.1.4 個案分析 74
4.1.5 個案小結 80
4.2 個案B 81
4.2.1 公司概況 81
4.2.2 產業環境 83
4.2.3 系統導入 83
4.2.4 個案分析 93
4.2.5 個案小結 96
4.3 個案C 98
4.3.1 公司概況 98
4.3.2 產業環境 99
4.3.3 系統導入 99
4.3.4 個案分析 101
4.3.5 個案小結 105
4.4 個案D 107
4.4.1 公司概況 107
4.4.2 產業環境 108
4.4.3 系統導入 109
4.4.4 個案分析 115
4.4.5 個案小結 118
第五章 資料分析與研究發現 120
5.1 綜合分析 120
5.1.1 個案基本資料分析 120
5.1.2 個案綜合分析 121
5.2 有關CPC導入的議題 131
5.2.1 CPC導入時所遭遇問題 131
5.2.2 建立CPC模式所須注意之重點 133
5.2.3 導入CPC的關鍵成功因素 134
第六章 結論 136
6.1 結論 136
6.2 研究貢獻 137
6.3 研究限制 137
6.4 未來研究方向 138
參考文獻 139
中文部份 139
英文部份 140
參考網站 142

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