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博碩士論文 etd-0729105-105839 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0729105-105839
Backdoor Detection based on SVM
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Intrusion Detection, Backdoor, Data Mining and Classification, SVM
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在文獻中我們分析後門程式的特性與種類,探討資料挖礦和支援向量機(Support Vector Machine)於入侵偵測的應用,本研究主要會專注於後門程式連線之偵測,且提出一個偵測後門程式連線行為的架構。此架構是以支援向量機分類演算法為基礎,它是Vapnik為了解決在類神經網路上不可避免的問題所提出的方法,主要是建立在統計學習理論基礎之上的機器學習方法。
With the improvement of computer technologies and the wide use of the Internet, network security becomes more and more significant. According to the relevant statistics, malicious codes such as virus, worms, backdoors, and Trojans launch a lot of attacks. Backdoors are especially critical. Not only can it cross firewalls and antivirus software but also will steal confidential information and misuse network resources and launch attacks such as DDoS(Distributed Denial of Service).
In this research, we analyze the properties and categories of backdoors and the application of data mining and support vector machines in intrusion detection. This research will focus on detecting the behavior of backdoor connection, and we propose a detecting architecture. The architecture is based on SVM, which is a machine learning method based on statistic theory and proposed by Vapnik to solve the problems in Neural Network techniques.
In system modules, this research chooses IPAudit as our network monitor and libsvm as a SVM classifier. The packets captured by IPAudit will be classified into interactive or non-interactive flow by libsvm, and the result will be compared with legal service lists to determine whether a connection is a backdoor connection. We compare the accuracy of SVM, C4.5, and Na
目次 Table of Contents
第一章、緒論 7
第一節、研究背景 7
第二節、研究動機 9
第二章、文獻探討 13
第一節、後門程式之分類 13
第二節、駭客入侵程序 15
第三節、入侵偵測 16
第四節、交互式後門程式之偵測 21
第五節、分類分析技術 22
第六節、後門實例 29
第七節、網路流量收集 31
第三章、偵測方法 36
第一節、問題定義與描述 36
第二節、LIBSVM分類分析工具 37
第三節、系統架構 40
第四節、系統設計 44
第四章、系統評估 49
第一節、SVM分類評估 49
第二節、後門程式偵測評估 52
第五章、結論與未來研究 54
參考文獻 55
英文參考文獻 55
中文參考文獻 57
參考文獻 References
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