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博碩士論文 etd-0729108-122940 詳細資訊
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Narrating the practical implementation of entrepreneurship – from my own experience
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“Bricolage” (拼湊資源)、創業精神、敘說探究
Narrative Inquiry, “Bricolage”, Entrepreneurship
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在全球化、數位化和多元化的潮流下,現在創業環境所面對的是外部環境的快速變遷,過去大多屬於靜態、片面、單一層次的創業研究分析,與邏輯實證論為主的研究方法,並無法呈現出創業行為本身的實際動態歷程。為了補足過去創業研究的缺口,本研究企圖以身兼創業者與研究者雙重多元身份,忠實呈現創業行為本身的動態歷程。創業者將創業視為一種行動過程,研究者則將此創業過程本身視為一種研究歷程,在近兩年半創業實踐歷程當中,研究者以敘說探究(narrative inquiry)方法詮釋創業動態過程,透過研究者自己的反思,與創業者本身的不斷自我對話,研究者建構出八段故事敘說。

這八段敘說,透過敘說探究詮釋的再建構歷程,本研究發現成功的創業並非來自完善的創業機會或創業計畫,而是來自於創業家尋找「資源」、運用「資源」與組合「資源」的創業管理過程。在“Bricolage” (拼湊資源)觀點下的研究洞見,本研究亦將提供更深層的觀察與學習創業者,是如何透過不斷與周邊資源互動來推動新組織、新市場、新商品的出現。
With a number of major economic and social turnarounds already occurred in mankind’s history, we are currently also at such an era. From the onset of the 90s, the rapid high-tech development and the global economic integration have fueled the world economy and the society to undergo rapid transformation, a shift that also fosters new research perspectives and viewpoint.

Under the globalization, digitalization and diversification trend, with the present startup ventures having to confront the rapid changes in the external environment, a majority of the past startup venture studies and analyses that tend to fall under a still-mode, one-sided and single perspective approach, and a logical validation theory-based research methodology, has fallen short of manifesting the actual interactive process of the startup act. To compensate the deficiency of the past startup studies, the study attempts to truthfully present, in the duo capacity as a startup operator and a research, the process of a startup venture. With a startup entrepreneur regards the startup venture as an action-based startup process, while a research regards the startup as a research process, the searcher has, through nearly two years of research on entrepreneurship, developed eight story narrations through the author’s self reflection and the constant self dialog as a startup entrepreneur.

By putting the eight story narrations through the Narrative Inquiry to interpret the reconstruction process, the study discovers that successful startup ventures have not come from a perfected startup opportunity or a startup plan, but rather through the startup management process in how a startup initiator locate the resources, utilize the resources and group the resources. Of the research findings derived from the “Bricolage” , the study will also offer an in-depth observation and emulate how startup entrepreneurs are able to constantly interact with the resources around them to promote the emergence of new organizations, new markets and new products.
目次 Table of Contents
第1章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與背景 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究內容 5
第2章 文獻回顧 8
第一節 創業研究回顧 8
第二節 敘述探究 13
第三節 ”Bricolage” 21
第3章 研究方法論與研究方法 23
第一節 詮釋學觀點的質化研究方法 23
第二節 研究對象—生活世界的探究 26
第三節 研究解釋—敘說的深描詮釋與隱喻 28
第四節 研究流程—敘說探究的五個步驟 33
第五節 創業實踐背景與研究過程 38
第4章 研究結果- 八段創業實踐歷程敘說 39
敘說一 40
敘說二 43
敘說三 45
敘說四 50
敘說五 52
敘說六 54

敘說七 57
敘說八 60
第5章 結論與建議 62
第一節 敘說故事的寓意:從”Bricolage”觀點詮釋創業歷程 62
第二節 研究限制與困境:身處雙重身份的焦慮 66
第三節 未來研究建議 68
參考文獻 70
參考文獻 References
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