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博碩士論文 etd-0802107-114724 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0802107-114724
Applying Resource Usage Analysis to Software Testing
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resource-oriented testing, double free, software testing, memory leak
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隨著軟體與網路的發展,現今軟體越趨複雜,許多利用軟體弱點的攻擊手法使得軟體測試面臨嚴峻的挑戰,根據CSI/FBI的調查報告顯示阻斷式服務攻擊(Denial-of-Service attack)在過去三年中名列前五名造成重大損失的網路攻擊,除了消耗頻寬的攻擊方式之外,利用軟體資源使用的弱點往往是攻擊者最常使用的攻擊手法,本篇研究發現傳統的軟體測試方法並無法有效的發現軟體弱點,其原因在於傳統測試方法的目的在發現程式的邏輯的正確性,這樣的思維模式造成許多並不屬於邏輯問題的漏洞無法被發現,例如,記憶體洩漏(memory leak)。
With the developing of the software and network environment, software becomes more and more complex. The network attacks which exploit the software vulnerability make the traditional software testing face a crucible challenge. According to the report by the CSI/FBI, the lose cause from Denial-of-Service remains in top 5 highest rank of network attacks in the past 3 years. Besides the network bandwidth consuming, the commonest attack is to exploit the software vulnerabilities. In my research, I found the traditional testing technique could not find the software vulnerabilities efficiently for they just verify the correctness of software. This way of thinking would bypass many software vulnerabilities which do not belong to the logical error such as memory leak.
In another way, some test techniques to solve the resource usage vulnerability were proposed in recent years but the results of them are very primitive. Thus, I try to give the software testing a new definition from the resource usage analysis. I propose 3 test criteria in this paper. Testers could combine these test criteria with existing tools as a guide to test the resource usage of the program. With these test criteria, testers can find out the unhealthy usage of software resource.
目次 Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
1.1. The problem of existing methods 4
1.2. The importance of this work 5
1.3. Paper organization 6
2. Related Works 7
2.1. Software testing 7
2.1.1. Structural Testing 8 Statement Coverage 8 Branch Coverage 9 Basic Path Coverage 10
2.1.2. Functional testing 10
2.1.3. Performance testing 11
2.1.4. Load testing 12
2.1.5. Stress testing 12
2.2. Software aging 13
2.3. Memory management dilemma 13
2.3.1. The memory management solutions 14 Garbage Collection(reference counting、tracing collector) 15 Dynamic testing 16 Static analysis 18
3. Resource-Oriented testing 19
3.1. The memory management problems in C language 19
3.1.1. Buffer overflow 19
3.1.2. Memory leak 20
3.1.3. Double free 21
3.2. Resource usage cycle 22
3.3. The functions related to memory usage life cycle 23
3.3.1. Create Function and Dispose Function 23
3.3.2. Modify function 24
3.4. The difference between logical testing and resource-oriented testing 25
3.4.1. Unobvious error feature 25
3.4.2. Reduced flow graph and path amount 26
3.4.3. Memory effect testing:Single test run & multiple test run 26
3.5. Resource-oriented test criteria 28
3.5.1. Basic test criterion 29
3.5.2. Create-dispose-free pair test criterion 31
3.6. Handling memory blocks among the functions 32
3.7. Combine the test technique with the criteria 33
4. Experiment Result 36
4.1. Experiment process 37
4.2. Memory leak patterns and case analysis 38
4.3. Analysis of double free case 44
4.4. Special case 46
4.5. Path complexity analysis 47
5. Conclusion 49
6. Research Constraint and Future work 50
7. Reference 51
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