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博碩士論文 etd-0805116-144326 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0805116-144326
學生如何在實作中流變為創業者? 對影像工作室學生創業者的現象學探究
How do student become entrepreneurial in practice? A phenomenological investigation on the Taiwanese file studio student entrepreneurs
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phenomenological investigation, entrepreneuring perspective, entrepreneurship management., student entrepreneur, entrepreneurship education
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其次,我們也發現學生在學校創意十足的創作,並不等同於創業。創業是跟市場機會有關的行動,學生要從創作者變成創業者,必須經歷 (1) 以實作連結到市場機會的創業學習;(2) 從創作夥伴轉向創業夥伴的模式; (3) 透過實作參與,學習產業知識; (4) 與產業他者的遭逢,學習創立公司的意義;以及(5) 創業認同的建立,上述五項創業學習的歷程。最後,以實作為基礎的學生創業者,在創業過程中,還要面臨在創業實做中學習管理的議題。包括經營與分工、有效率的流程與控管,以及公司永續經營的問題。
In recent years, the practice-based program is considered as an important concept to cultivate students’ entrepreneurship; however, there is no breakthrough in its related effectiveness and related studies that is the current studies have not been able to respond how the practice and entrepreneurship affect students’ learning on earth to change them from students to entrepreneurs.
According to the entrepreneurial narratives of the students entrepreneurs who are based on practice, this study tries to explore how they adopt commercial action in practice to change their creations into valuable products in the market. In order to describe such entrepreneurial process, this paper chooses a group of student entrepreneurs, who take part in image filming practice in college time and set up image studio after graduation, to carry out study.
This study finds that the students who become entrepreneurs will experience three different levels’ practice learning, including: the creating learning which is generated from integrating practice into daily life during the time in school; the entrepreneurial learning which combines practice and market opportunity; and the learning of manage ability which is generated from the process of running business. Through the three levels’ learning, the students will change from the original students identity into the entrepreneurs identity, and then become entrepreneurs.
目次 Table of Contents
謝 辭....…...ii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 實作課程與創業教育 5
第二節 實作課程與日常生活中的開創 8
第三節 開創觀點下的創業學習 11
第四節 開創學習:流變為他者 15
第五節 「時間性」與「在世存有」 17
第三章 研究場域與研究方法 24
第一節 學生創業的影像工作室 24
第二節 創業研究中的現象學 27
第三節 資料收集:影像實作學生創業者的敘說 28
第四節 詮釋現象學分析 30
第四章 研究發現 32
第一節 學生在課程實作中的開創學習 32
第二節 學生創業者在實作中學習創業 37
第三節 在創業實做中學習管理 46
第四節 組員、創作夥伴與創業夥伴 55
第五章 影像實作學生創業者的流變 62
第一節 與地方在移動中流變 62
第二節 與工具在實作中流變 65
第三節 與潛力在實作中流變 69
第六章 結論與建議 72
第一節 研究問題的回應 72
第二節 研究貢獻與限制 86
參考文獻 89
參考文獻 References

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