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博碩士論文 etd-0805117-170753 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0805117-170753
在台灣生活 - 東西方文化之橋樑
Living in Taiwan - Cultural bridge between the West and the East
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
cultural clash, marketing, legal help, business analysis, acculturation
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Living in Taiwan is a start up company operating in Taiwan and focusing on providing assistance to foreign nationals. The company offers broad range of services with the goal of helping foreign nationals with acculturation. Services range from providing assistance with basic tasks to non Chinese speakers to dealing with legal issues. One of the primary areas of focus is housing as it plays an important part in cultural integration of foreign nationals into local society.
This business plan explores the marketing potential through demographics of Taiwan as well as detailed survey and creates future prediction and analyzes the market from various points of view. Based on the conducted research, goals and objectives are set and company strategy developed. Large emphasis is put on exploring the possibilities with the help of different methods and tools. Many companies often fail to perform throughout investigation as they satisfy themselves with brief analysis such as SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). However Living in Taiwan believes that in order to gain advantage and succeed in the market, it is necessary to reserve additionally resources for extensive research, therefore major part of the business plan is devoted towards detailed data breakdown and explanation of the cultural needs of potential clients. For such purposes, extensive survey with 200 responses was conducted and analyzed.
Company’s impact on acculturation is discussed throughout the business plan, furthermore, service presentation and marketing strategies are developed. Way of company management is described in the organizational summary and lastly, the financial aspects are examined.
目次 Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary 1
2. Acculturation 5
2.1 Cultural clash 6
2.2 Culture of Taiwan 7
3. Company Overview 9
3.1 Mission Statement 11
3.2 Goals and Objectives 12
3.3 Vision Statement 13
4. Services 15
4.1 Services Offered 15
4.2 Service Presentation 19
5. Market Analysis 24
5.1 Market Summary 25
5.1.1 Market Size and Demographics 25
5.1.2 Market Potential 28
5.1.3 Approaching customer 332
5.1.4 Survey 33
6. Industry Analysis 54
6.1 Real Estate Market 54
6.2 Travel agencies 56
6.3 Competition 57
6.2.1 Identification of Competitors 58
6.3.2 Competitive Advantage 59
7. Management Summary 62
7.1 System dynamics approach 62
7.1.1 Mental Model 64
7.2 Marketing Plan 65
7.2.1 SWOT Analysis 65
7.2.3 STP Analysis 70
8. Organizational Summary 76
8.1 Company structure 76
8.1.1 Ownership 77
8.1.2 Personnel Team 77
8.1.3 External resources 78
8.1.4 Human Resource Management 79
9. Financial Aspects 83
9.1 Financial Requirements 83
9.1.1 Start-up Summary 83
9.2 Financial Forecast 84
10. Conclusion 85
11. References 88
12. Curriculum Vitae 93
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