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博碩士論文 etd-0805117-231239 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0805117-231239
A Comparative Study of Transient Capabilities with Dynamic Capabilities in the Age of Technology Disruption
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technology disruption, dynamic capabilities, open innovation, transient capabilities, institution theory, ecosystem transformation, human capital
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This research attempts to close the debate between dynamic capabilities (DCs) and transient capabilities (TCs). We investigate this issue in four steps. First, we identify each capabilities’ power zones by drawing an integrative view of ecosystem and dynamic capability theory. Second, we draw on human capital perspective to explore the characteristics of talents’ knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) that enable organizations go dynamic and go transient. Third, we highlight two contextual factors (institution (institution theory) and open innovation (knowledge-based view)) that strengthen or weaken these two capabilities in a variety of situations. By conducting 17 semi-structured interviews in Silicon Valley, our findings are fourfold: (1) dynamic capabilities are identified as ecosystem-exploitation capabilities — sensing opportunities, seizing opportunities, and reconfiguring capabilities in an established ecosystem. In contrary, transient capabilities are identified as ecosystem-exploration capabilities — data-based abilities and new-rules-rooted abilities in a new ecosystem; (2) firm-specific talents are instrumental to dynamic capabilities, while transient talents, with big-data KSAs and stereotype breaking KSAs are conducive to firms’ transient capabilities; (3) exploration-driven institutions (market and technology) facilitate firms’ transient capabilities to disrupt ecosystem. On the other hand, exploitation-driven institutions (market and technology) facilitate firms’ dynamic capabilities to strengthen existing ecosystem; (4) open innovation, with non-routine and disconnected knowledge inflows from the end-users, facilitate firms’ transient capabilities to disrupt ecosystem. In contrary, open innovation, with routine and existing know-hows inflows-outflows between firms and customers, facilitate firms’ dynamic capabilities to reinforce existing ecosystem. In addition, we also find customer type (end-users / business clients) and firms’ developmental stage (startups / non-startups) affect firms’ choice of going transient, going dynamic, or going both, which further, leads to different adoptions of talent KSAs, institution response strategy, and open innovation practice. In summary, our research extends organizational capability literature by highlighting the timing of use of dynamic capabilities and transient capabilities. We propose a conceptual dynamic model and an integrative framework to address that ecosystem transition never tears dynamic capabilities and transient capabilities apart. That being said, these two capabilities are co-existent, but sometimes in different weigh, depending on the context that a firm is facing, and will be facing.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
中文摘要 iv
Abstract v
1.1. Research Background 1
1.2. Research Objective 5
2.1 Organizations’ Capabilities in the Age of Technological Disruption: An Integrative View of Ecosystem Theory and Dynamic Capability Theory 6
2.2 Talents’ KSAs in the Age of Technological Disruption: Human Capital Perspective 9
2.3 Institution Effects in the Age of Technological Disruption 12
2.4. Open Innovation Effects in the Age of Technological Disruption: Knowledge-based View 14
3.1. Qualitative Research 18
3.2. Semi-structured Interview and Ethnographic Observation 18
3.3. Interview and Analysis Procedure 19
3.4. Sampling in Silicon Valley 21
4.1. Exploring New Ecosystem: Exploring New Experiences and New Rules 26
4.2. Exploiting Existing Ecosystem: Reinforcing Existing Capabilities 29
4.3. The Co-existence between Dynamic Capabilities and Transient Capabilities 30
4.4 The Key Antecedents of Dynamic Capabilities and Transient Capabilities: Human Capital Perspective 39
4.5 Institution Effect on Firms’ Transient Capabilities and Dynamic Capabilities 49
4.6. Open Innovation Effect on Firms’ Transient Capabilities and Dynamic Capabilities: Knowledge-Based View 65
5.1. The Coexistence of Dynamic Capabilities and Transient Capabilities 80
5.2. New Paradigm of Talents Management: Dynamic KSAs and Transient KSAs 82
5.3. The Effect of Industrial Institution in the Ecosystem Transformation 84
5.4 The Effect of Open Innovation in the Ecosystem Transformation 86
5.5. A New Paradigm of Organizations’ Ecosystem Capabilities in the Age of Technology Disruption 88
6.1 Research Conclusion 96
6.2 Research Limitation 97

List of Tables

Table 3.1. Interview questions 21
Table 3.2. Company background and interview information 23
Table 4.1. Companies’ practices in dynamic capabilities and transient capabilities 35
Table 4.2. Talents’ KSAs in striving for organizations’ transient abilities 45
Table 4.3. Companies’ practices under different institutional effects 58
Table 4.4. Companies’ practices under different open innovation effects 75
Table 5.1. The summary of organizations’ ecosystem capabilities (dynamic capabilities and transient capabilities) 89
Table 5.2. The summary of talents’ key KSAs (dynamic KSAs and transient KSAs) 90
Table 5.3. The summary of industrial institution effects on dynamic capabilities and transient capabilities 91
Table 5.4. The summary of open innovation effects on dynamic capabilities and transient capabilities 92

List of Figures

Figure 4.1. Dynamic model of transient capabilities and dynamic capabilities: an integrative view of ecosystem and dynamic capabilities theory 38
Figure 4.2. Conceptual framework of talents’ KSAs in striving for firms’ transient capabilities and dynamic capabilities: human capital perspective 48
Figure 4.3. Industrial institution effects on firms’ transient capabilities and dynamic capabilities 63
Figure 4.4. Conceptual framework: industrial institution effects on firms’ transient capabilities and dynamic capabilities 64
Figure 4.5. Open innovation effects on firms’ transient capabilities and dynamic capabilities 78
Figure 4.6. Conceptual framework: open innovation effects on firms’ transient capabilities and dynamic capabilities 79
Figure 5.1. A dynamic model of organizations’ dynamic capabilities and transient capabilities in the age of technology disruption 93
Figure 5.2. An integrative framework of organizations’ dynamic capabilities and transient capabilities in the age of technology disruption 94
Figure 5.3. A 3D model of organizations’ dynamic capabilities and transient capabilities in the age of technology disruption 95
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