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Organizational Promise, Working Effectiveness, Acquisition, Expected Distance
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經文獻回顧,發現國內關於購併對組織承諾與工作績效的相關文獻較少,本研究擬藉由實證研究了解企業在購併後所產生的員工期望落差對員工的組織承諾與工作績效的影響。本研究共發放問卷120份,回收90份,有效問卷共80份。首先運用因素分析檢定量表的建構效度及Cronbach alpha值檢定量表信度,確定量表的信度及效度後,再運用迴歸分析得到以下結論:
1. 購併後,被併員工的期望落差會對情感性承諾有負向影響。
2. 購併後,被併員工的期望落差會對持續性承諾有負向影響。
3. 購併後,被併員工的期望落差會對道德性承諾有負向影響。


After the 1990s, the activities of acquisition among firms have become an international trend. Associated with the situation of global economic slump, both the domestic and international enterprises are eager to establish more powerful and effective business groups, and strengthen their competitiveness in order to create firms with higher commercial value. The rapid acquisition by firms usually results in the situation of promptly laying off employees, decreasing employees’ salary, etc, and therefore generates many risks to the entire groups.
The employees of those enterprises being acquired feel unsafe about their future, so their working pressure keeps growing. Similarly, the employees of the firms that conduct acquisition also worry about their working rights being threatened by the increasing number of competitors brought by the organizational reformation. These negative impacts usually have several effects: e.g. reluctance of working, uncomfortable working atmosphere, loss of human resources, and decrease of firm’s overall productivity.

It is found that comparative less literature focuses on exploring the influences of acquisition, and investigate the correlation between its impact and the promise given by firms and employees’ working effectiveness. This study distributed 120 questionnaires in total: 90 returned and 80 effective. First, the construct validity of factor analysis and evaluation and the reliability of Cronbach alpha value were used as the tool of analysis. Then Regression Analysis was also adopted and the conclusions listed below were made:
A. After acquisition, the employees’ (those of enterprises being acquired) expected distance has significant negative influence toward organizational promise.
1. After acquisition, the employees’ expected distance has negative influence upon firm’s emotional promise.
2. After acquisition, the employees’ expected distance has negative influence upon firm’s sustained promise.
3. After acquisition, the employees’ expected distance has negative influence upon firm’s moral promise.
B. After acquisition, the influence of employees’ (those of enterprises being acquired) expected distance toward their working effectiveness is uncertain.
1. Evaluation of working effectiveness from subjective perspectives:
1.1. After acquisition, the employees’ expected distance has no significant influence upon missionary effectiveness.
1.2. After acquisition, the employees’ expected distance has positive influence upon contextual effectiveness.
2. Evaluation of working effectiveness from both subjective and objective perspectives (only limited to those who have records of subjective working effectiveness):
2.1. After acquisition, the employees’ expected distance has no significant influence upon objective working effectiveness.
2.2. After acquisition, the employees’ expected distance has no significant influence upon subjective missionary effectiveness.
2.3. After acquisition, the employees’ expected distance has no significant influence upon subjective contextual effectiveness.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 4
第一節 研究動機 4
第二節 研究目的 6
第三節 論文結構 6
第四節 研究流程 7
第二章 文獻回顧 8
第一節 期望落差 8
第二節 組織承諾 10
第三節 工作績效 15
第四節 購併對組織承諾與工作績效之影響 20
第三章 研究方法 25
第一節 研究架構 25
第二節 研究假設 26
第三節 個案公司簡介與資料來源 27
第四節 研究變數之操作性定義及衡量 29
第五節 資料分析方法 32
第四章 研究分析與討論 34
第一節 樣本特性分析 34
第二節 信度與效度分析 36
第三節 相關性分析 40
第四節 員工期望落差對組織承諾之影響 42
第五節 員工期望落差對工作績效之影響 47
第五章 結論及建議 51
第一節 結論 51
第二節 研究限制 53
第三節 研究建議 54
參考文獻 55
附件一 問卷
附件二 訪談記錄
參考文獻 References
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