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博碩士論文 etd-0807117-105336 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0807117-105336
Travel Characteristics, Tourism Image and Revisiting Willingness Correlation Analysis of Penghu Winter Tourists
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penghu, tourism image, scenic area, revisiting willingness, travel characteristics
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澎湖觀光發展兼具自然資源與人文資源,觀光客至澎湖從事旅遊活動幾乎都集中在每年4-9 月份,其餘時間因東北季風影響,遊客數量銳減,致使澎湖觀光明顯產生淡旺季,對澎湖觀光產業景氣、規模與發展連帶產生限縮之影響,是澎湖發展觀光的最大阻力之一。故如何利用自身擁有其他的優勢,來打開澎湖旅遊市場;以及藉由了解遊客對澎湖冬天之感受,並使其成為引發遊客於冬天從事旅遊的吸引力,進而縮短澎湖觀光淡旺季之差距。
本研究旨在探討冬天到訪澎湖的遊客其「觀光意象」、「重遊意願」與「旅遊特性」的現況、特徵及彼此間的關聯性,採便利性抽樣法共發放500 份問卷,有效問卷為424 份(回收率84.80%),經調查統計彙整發現,冬天到訪澎湖的遊客以女性、26~35 歲、大學、居住於南部(屏東/高雄/台南/嘉義)、已婚(有小孩)等比率最高;並以自行規劃行程、透過電腦網路選擇旅遊資訊、主要目的為觀光旅遊、及旅遊同伴為家人等高於其他類型;而停留時間平均為3 天2 夜、平均每人消費金額為4,000 元~未滿6,000 元,以及住宿旅館等比率最高,其中「過去到訪經驗為第1 次」比率最高,顯示澎湖仍有很多潛在遊客有待開發。
The development of Penghu tourism consists of both its natural and human resources; the activities that Penghu tourists engage in are annually held from April to September. Because of the northeastern monsoon, the number of visitors to Penghu drops hugely during the rest of the months (from October to March), resulting in the obvious difference of peak and low seasons in Penghu tourism. Thus, the decreased number of tourists in Penghu during the low season also reduces the size and the development of the Penghu tourism industry, which is also one of the biggest obstacles to the development of tourism in Penghu. Therefore, it is of great importance to use other advantages that Penghu possesses to open its tourism market; by understanding the feelings of visitors to Penghu in winter time, it is hoped to trigger more tourists to visit Penghu in winter and thus it is hoped that the gap of peak and low seasons in Penghu tourism can be reduced.
This study was designed to investigate the current situation, characteristics and correlations of "Tourist Imagery," "Revisit Intention" and "Travel Characteristics”. The participants were visitors to Penghu in winter time. The convenience sampling method was used. 500 questionnaires were distributed and collected, of which 424 questionnaires were valid (the response rate was 84.80%). The results of this study show that the majority of winter tourists to visit Penghu are female, aged 26 to 35 with a college degree, and they live in the south of Taiwan (including Pingtung, Kaohsiung, Tainan, and Chiayi). The largest number of female visitors is married women with children, who plan their own itinerary and choose travel information via computer networks. The main purpose of their visit to Penghu is sightseeing and their travel companions are most often their own family members, The average number of days for their travel is 3 days and 2 nights in Penghu; the average expense for each visitor is around NTD$ 4,000 to NTD$ 6,000. They choose to stay in hotels, which have the highest rates of accommodation choices. It was also the first time that they visited Penghu when asked about their past travel experiences. It shows that there are still many potential visitors to be developed.
The results of this study show that “local specialties” ranked highest of the statistical factors; the top three motives among tourist images are “Penghu has coastal scenery and beautiful sandy beaches”, “Penghu's northeastern monsoon is strong but bearable,” and “Penghu residents are simple, friendly and cordial.” From the analysis of tourist revisit intention, we see that recommendation is the most important factor compared with tourists’ other options; the ratio of revisit and preferred choices to other options are obviously lower, which ought to be improved for future direction.
In testing the correlation hypothesis of this study, tourist image and travel characteristics showed significant differences in the demographic variables; this part of the hypothesis is correct (there is a significant difference in revisit intention: the hypothesis is null). The other part of the hypothesis is accepted when assuming that travel characteristics will have a significant difference on tourist image and revisit intention. The hypothesis of tourist image on revisit intention is correct; and there is a positive correlation between tourist image and revisit intention.
From the results of the above study, this study is intended to offer suggestions on promoting Penghu winter tourism for private and public sectors in Penghu, the Penghu tourism bureau and organizations concerned with the future development of winter tourism in Penghu.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論........................................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機.......................................................................................1
第二節 研究目的..................................................................................................11
第三節 名詞定義..................................................................................................12
第四節 研究限制..................................................................................................13
第五節 研究流程..................................................................................................14
第二章 文獻探討................................................................................................15
第一節 觀光意象..................................................................................................15
第二節 重遊意願..................................................................................................28
第三節 旅遊特性..................................................................................................33
第四節 澎湖冬天觀光資源..................................................................................41
第三章 研究方法................................................................................................47
第一節 研究架構與假設......................................................................................47
第二節 研究範圍及對象......................................................................................49
第三節 研究工具..................................................................................................51
第四節 資料分析方法..........................................................................................57
第四章 研究結果................................................................................................67
第一節 敘述性統計分析......................................................................................67
第二節 差異性檢定分析......................................................................................76
第三節 相關分析及迴歸分析..............................................................................85
第五章 結論與建議............................................................................................95
第一節 管理意涵與建議.....................................................................................95
第二節 後續研究建議.........................................................................................104
附錄一 預試問卷.................................................................................................119
附錄二 正式問卷.................................................................................................122
附錄三 澎湖國家風景區.....................................................................................125
附錄四 卡方檢定表.............................................................................................147
附錄五 單因子變異數分析表...............................................................................153
附錄六 獨立樣本t 檢定分析表.........................................................................164
附錄七 相關分析摘要表.....................................................................................168
附錄八 多元迴歸分析摘要表.............................................................................172
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