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Title page for etd-0808105-151732
The research of orangaztion downsizing porgrams on the staff in the filed electronic media
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reductions in personnel, asymmertric, electronic media, employee's attitude to stay
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(1) 電子媒體組織人力精簡方式與員工的行為態度有相當影響性,採自願離退方式,雖然短期內很難一下子達到人力精簡目標,但是員工比較不會出現離職傾向。相對的,如果採用強迫或半強迫模式,員工態度行為將嚴重受創,出現得過且過的心態,甚至出現嚴重的離職潮。
(2) 電子媒體組織人力精簡,往往因為資訊不對稱,導致員工態度、行為因為年齡、資歷、位階之不同,而出現差異性,亦即年齡較高、資歷較深及位階較高之員工,因為資訊管道較暢通,態度、行為受影響程度大大降低,也較少出現離潮;相對的,年齡低、資淺及基層員之員工,因為資訊管道較缺,一旦遇到人力精簡,就人心惶惶,離職潮隨即伴隨而來。
This research aims to study the effects of organization downsizing programs on the staff in the field of electronic media. There used to be only three television networks in Taiwan, which were TTV, CTV, and CTS. Followed by the approval of the Cable Television Law in 1993, cable TV providers began to enter the market and sprout like mushrooms. A point worth noting is that Taiwan's fourth terrestrial TV station, FTV, officially founded and joined the market in 1997. Significant changes were then brought to Taiwan’s media landscape. The advantages of the three original TV networks were disappearing and taken by the newly emerged cable TV stations. Thanks to the free market mechanism, the competition among news media has become even more and more intense over the last three or four years. A medium which has strong constitution appears to have better performance and is able to maintain certain market share; while those have weak constitutions would often suffer losses in business, in which the most serious are the three original terrestrial TV stations. It makes no exception for cable TV networks, either. Deficit occurs in many cable TV stations, such as CTI, ERA, USTV, STV and Global TV, whereas SET, TVBS, ETTV, and GTV could still obtain profits. The above factors show that downsizing in the field of electronic media must be carried out.
The subjects of this research were a group of TV news reporters who have gone through organization downsizing. Interviews were designed to discover the reporters’ perception, involvement, organizational identity and intention to continue in office in search of the best downsizing model. The results are as follows:

(1) Downsizing programs have certain impact on staff. Organizations which encourage voluntary demission or retirement might hardly achieve its goal of downsizing in a short while, but survivors would relatively tend to be less likely to resign from office. On the contrary, when compulsory or semi-compulsory methods are used, survivors would be devastated or even muddle along. Such situation might even cause lots of survivors to quit.
(2) Thetrimming of personal in electronic media, areusually due to unbalance of information, causing current employee’s varies in working behavior and
attitude, cause by age, experience and rank difference. It means that because of freer flow of information, employees that are higher age, more experience, and higher rank, are less affected in behavior and attitude, and more stable. On the other hand, employees that are lower age, less experience and work in the basic level, because of the lack of information, when personal trimming begins, they
become more anxious and start quitting.
(3)Having a comprehensive scheme, informing and making the employees involved in the whole decision making process, as well as engaging in appropriate dialogue would all increase the willingness of survivors to continue in office and weaken their tendency to resign.

(4)Employees who agree with their organization's values and feel a strong sense of connection with their organization tend to be less likely to quit; while others would have stronger inclination to resign.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究目的----------------------------------4
第二節 待答問題----------------------------------4
第二章 文獻探討--------------------------------------------6
第一節 組織人力精減之定義-----------------------6
一、 組織人力精減之原因---------------------7
二、 組織人力精減之類型---------------------9
三、 人力精減特徵----------------------------14
第二節 人力精減對留任員工態度行為反應之影響--16
第三節 資訊不對稱--------------------------------26
第三章 研究方法 -------------------------------------------28
第一節 研究流程-----------------------------------28
第二節 研究方法-----------------------------------29
一、 研究對象-------------------------------29
二、 訪談題目-------------------------------30
三、 研究範圍-------------------------------30
第四章 資料分析--------------------------------------------30
一、 人力精簡方式--------------------------30
二、 人力精簡方式對員工之影響------------35
第五章 結論-------------------------------------------------42
第一節 研究結果------------------------------------42
第二節 研究建議------------------------------------45
第三節 研究貢獻------------------------------------46
一、 中文部分---------------------------------47
二、 英文部分---------------------------------48
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