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Title page for etd-0808112-011247
The Effect of Social Tie Strength and Value Fit on Cross-cultural Knowledge Acquisition for Overseas Workers through the Mediating Role of Affect-based Trust
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social network tie, cross-cultural adjustment, overseas worker, cultural knowledge acquisition, affect-based trust, value fit
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This study examines the effects of social tie strength, value fit and affect-based trust of overseas workers on their cultural knowledge acquisition in foreign countries. Based on the assumption that cultural knowledge is acquired through social interactions, the research model encompassed 3 social-related independent variables and tested empirically from 536 interpersonal relationships reported by 136 respondents. The results revealed that social tie strength and value fit have positive impacts on cultural knowledge acquisition not only directly but also indirectly, through the mediation role of affect-based trust. However, the mediation effect differs between relationships with local nationals and relationships with non-local nationals. Specifically, affect-based t rust is essential for the effect of social tie strength to local nationals instead of that to non-local nationals; moreover, the mediation effect is sufficient on value fitted non-local nationals but is incomplete on value fitted local nationals. The implications of the findings and the need for future research were also discussed.
目次 Table of Contents

Abstract iii
摘要 iv
致謝辭 v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Purpose of the Study 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review and Conceptual Development 6
2.1 Social Tie Strength 6
2.2 Value Fit 7
2.3 Affect-based Trust 8
2.4 Cultural Knowledge Acquisition 10
2.5 Relationship among Social Tie Strength, Value Fit, Affect-based Trust and Cultural Knowledge Acquisition 13
Chapter 3 Methodology 17
3.1 Study Framework and Hypotheses 17
3.2 Measurement Development 18
3.3 Data Collection 22
3.4 Data Analysis 26
Chapter 4 28
4.1 Correlation Coefficient Analysis. 28
4.2 Multiple Regression Analysis. 30
4.3 Mediation Effect 33
4.4 Results of T-test and ANOVA 36
Chapter 5 38
5.1 Discussion and Conclusions 38
5.2 Managerial Implications and Suggestions 43
5.3 Limitations and Future Research Directions. 44
References 46
Appendix 53
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