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博碩士論文 etd-0810110-162258 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0810110-162258
The exploration on the mentality of the entrepreneur-A case study of L general manager
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Entrepreneurship, Integrity, narrative inquiry
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摘 要
在心理學相關研究中,早期學者著眼於探討「什麼樣的人會成為創業家?」,也就是所謂創業家人格特質的議題。例如,創業家具有高風險挑戰傾向、高成就需求、高內控程度等特質。但經過數數年的研究,仍無法實證人格特質對於創業行為具有何種顯著的影響 (Baron, 1998; Mitchell, Busenitz, Lant, McDoufall,Morse, Smith, 2002)。因此本研究對創業心路歷程做細項探討,以懷著夢想一路圓願景的創業者Q機構的L總經理為探究對象,以透過創業者對於其創業歷程的自我敘說,探究創業的整體及發展歷程。從進入職場選定職業到投資事業些歷程中的回溯與敘說,進行分析與詮釋。
探究L總經理創業歷程經過許多的轉折:從學校教師到不動產業務轉為管理者及投資者、從接手經營不動產到開創新事業人力資源機構、從在多個獨立的事業體中建立整體的機構組機,在這個發展過程中,觀察到一個創業的行動力,管理決策,建立新事業與進行事業的整合。從這些故事中,對於創業者的整體開創歷程,更進一步的了解,做出幾項重要的意涵:1.自我能力及興趣明確行動力強2.應變、取捨決策力3.堅持及明確信念4 以疼惜自我出發疼惜人才進而建立核心團隊。

Entrepreneurship not only is an attractive dream of today's youth, but also a main activity which organizational, economic and social community survives from. Consequently, it has been highly attentive by manageial scholars in recent decades, and triggered off a number of related research and discussion. However, mentality of entrepreneur is not very easy to investigated by research, and entrepreneurial spirit is difficult to discover. Research about entrepreneurship is on the horns of a dilemma when theoretical paradigm is still lack, for the purpose of understanding the current situation and problems of entrepreneurship and also exploring the development of entrepreneurial mentality.
In a related study of psychology, early scholars focused on exploring "what kind of people will become entrepreneurs?" which called the personality traits of the entrepreneur. For example, entrepreneur with high-risk tendency, high-need for achievement and high-degree internal control characteristics. But in decades, researches have been still unable to empirically confirm what kind of significant impact the behavior of entrepreneur could be influenced by personality traits of entrepreneur (Baron, 1998; Mitchell, Busenitz, Lant, McDoufall,Morse, Smith, 2002)。Therefore, this study is to classify the development of entrepreneurial mentality, and to explore the Q organization of the L general manager with dreams achieved his vision. Throughout entrepreneur makes a self-narrative about the entrepreneurial process, our study is to explore the entirety and development of entrepreneurship, and to analyze and interpret from his entering and selecting occupation to investing business in the recallable and narrative history.
This research discovers the entrepreneurial process has happened lots of transition from school teacher to real estate salesman to manager to investor, and from taking over the business of real estate to building the new human resources organization, and from multiple independent business to the whole organization, and observes about entrepreneurial mobility, managerial decision-making and the establishment of new business and business integration during the development. From these stories, better understanding about the creating whole process of the entrepreneur is to make several important implications. First, self-ability, interest and clearly strongly actions. Second, adaptability and decision-making capacity. Third, persistence and explicit beliefs. Fourth, from gratified myself to gratified talent and building up the core team

Key words: Entrepreneurship、Integrity、narrative inquiry

目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
誌謝詞......................................................................................................................... III
圖目錄......................................................................................................................... VI
第一章 緒論 8
第一節 研究背景 8
第二節 研究動機 9
第二章 文獻探討與研究方法 10
第一節 研究方法 10
第二節 研究對象與方法 13
第三節 研究流程設計—敘說探究的五個步驟 17
第三章 敘說L總經理的故事 20
第一節 A集團及L總經理介紹 20
第二節 團隊的出走 26
第三節 從房屋仲介到人力仲介 39
第四節 發展期 51
第四章 省思與結論 59
第一節 規劃未來 59
第二節 人員出走的收穫 60
第三節 成功的轉行 61
參考文獻 63

表3-1 樓面管理與店面式管理優缺點比較表 28
表3-2不動產之商品特性 31

圖3-1 不動產特性分析圖 30
圖3-2使照及建照核發戶統計 34
圖3-3 房地產景氣領先與同時指標綜合指數長期趨勢圖 35
圖3-5 報章雜誌的次數分配 53
圖3-6 透過網路的次數分配 53
圖3-7 其他管道的次數分配 54

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