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博碩士論文 etd-0810115-123226 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0810115-123226
Interactive Learning of Strategic Perspective: The Transition of Kaohsiung Industry through DAKUO
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Date of Exam
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Champion, Digital content industry, Industries transition, Strategy, learning school
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5827 times, has been downloaded 793 times.
本研究嘗試以「學習學派」的觀點來探討策略本質以及策略是如何在組織中所形成,透過高雄數位內容創意中心的個案,解析過去以發展傳統產業崛起的高雄,當過往的優勢與條件不在,城市的發展面臨到轉型的問題時,高雄是如何在諸多不利的條件下拋開過往的 包袱,轉向「數位內容產業」與「創意城市」產業發展策略的軌跡,並歸納出以下重點:
2. 組織需要保持開放性,讓組織能處在一個接觸不同領域的環境中。
Since 1960, strategy research unmistakable trends in management academic studies. Many strategic school spring up like mushrooms in different journal. Strategy research have new perspective from industrial economic study by Michael Porter since 1980, those analysis concepts and tools becoming mainstream discourse in strategy field. But those discourse let the research can’t keep up with commercial behavior in recently year and result in absorb cognitive that strategy is just some distribute means in organizational human resource and knowledge. What a pity.

This research adopt the “learning schools” perspective to discuss the strategic essentialism and how strategy be crated from the organization and through the case of DAKUO to analysis how it deals the problems of Kaohsiung. Kaohsiung played an important role in the emergence of traditional industries, but its advantages no longer exist when it comes to the problem of transition. What are the strategies that Kaohsiung governments adopt to develop “Digital content industry” and “Innovative city”? The following are our three main points:

1. Strategy process consists of not only planning but planning and learning in parallel.
2. Organization should keep openness so that it can stay in the variety realm.
3. Managers should identify the key champion in an organization.

This research use the approaches of narrative inquiry to analyze the strategy transition of Kaohsiung industries through DAKUO’s case, and try to draw strategies back to the managerial practice and keep dialogue with mainstream discourse. We intent to realize the essential of strategy and point out some interesting perspectives about industry transition through this research.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
表次 vi
圖次 vii
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、因緣際會踏入作為轉變起點的創業空間 1
第二節、從研究的學習中深化研究問題 3
第二章、文獻探討與理論觀點 5
第一節、策略文獻 5
第三章、研究方法 8
第一節、敘說探究法 8
第二節、為什麼選擇敘說探究法 10
第三節、研究對象 12
第四節、研究設計 13
第四章、個案故事 15
第一節、創業空間在高雄 15
第二節、創意城市從零到壹 19
第五章、研究討論;分析與結論 29
第一節、回歸探究策略的本質 29
第二節、對主流策略論述的反思 36
第三節、策略的新形貌 43
第四節、結論;研究限制與反思 60
參考文獻 63
中文文獻 63
英文文獻 64
參考文獻 References
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