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博碩士論文 etd-0811106-140347 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0811106-140347
工作團體凝聚力與工作績效關係之研究- 以工作型態作為干擾因子
Cohesiveness-Performance Effects in Work Groups- Work Patterns as a Moderator
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Cohesiveness, Performance, Interpersonal attraction, Task Commitment, Social Identity, Workflow
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過去關於凝聚力與績效的研究萌芽於1950年代,大多以實驗團體的研究為主,而其相關研究的結果顯示出凝聚力對績效的影響正反不一而有所爭議。近年更有相關研究的學者指出,凝聚力本身為多構面式的結構,於是各別的去探討了凝聚力其子項目對績效的影響,結果如Mullen & Copper (1994) 的研究所顯示的只有‘對任務的承諾’才對績效的影響;另外更有學者如Beal et al.(2003)等人推翻了前者的結論,而指出凝聚力的三個組成分子(人際吸引力,對任務的承諾,以及對團體的認同)皆對績效有程度高低不等的影響,並且Beal et al.等人更指出,凝聚力對績效的影響力會受到工作型態使成員間所需的互依程度的干擾而呈正比的情形。
於是本研究的目的在於 (a)研究在真實運作的工作團體中凝聚力與績效的關係, (b)重新探討凝聚力的三個組成分子在真實工作團體內對凝聚力與績效的關係, (c)探究凝聚力中的哪一個分子會各別的影響不同標準的績效表現, 以及(d)重新檢驗在真實的工作團體中,工作型態對凝聚力與績效關係的干擾效果。
Past studies of cohesiveness-performance effects thriving from 1950’s were mainly experimental studies and the results of whether group cohesiveness contributed to performance were always disputable. Researchers believed that the construct of cohesiveness was multidimensional; and the components of cohesiveness were therefore scrutinized to see its influence upon performance. Results varied from only task commitment contributed to performance (Mullen & Copper, 1994) to all three components bear significant influence to performance (Beal et al., 2003). Not only was the cohesiveness-performance relation discussed, but were cohesiveness components to performance criteria and work patterns as a moderator to cohesiveness-performance relation examined in Taiwanese work groups.
Consequently, the purposes of this study are to (a) have empirical study for cohesiveness-performance effect in real groups, (b) reexamine the influences of the three components of cohesiveness to cohesiveness-performance effect in work groups, (c) know which cohesiveness component brings about each kind of members performance, and (d) figure out how each type of workflows relates to cohesiveness- performance effect.
This study represented work groups’ cohesiveness- performance relation. Furthermore, cohesion components to performance criteria were reexamined for better understanding of which component can substantially benefit to which kind of performance. As a result, interpersonal attraction led to group members’ behaviors performance, and task commitment brought about group efficiency. Last, this study helped to realize the fact that work groups were cohesive disregarding how much interdependence the job required.
目次 Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Background 1
Motives & Purposes 2
Literature Review 4
Group Cohesiveness 4
Cohesiveness-Performance Effect 11
Components of Group Cohesiveness 14
The Nature of Work - Work Patterns 24
Methodology 28
Research Framework 28
Procedure and Sample 29
Measures 34
Analysis 40
Results 43
Descriptive Statistics of Variables 43
Cohesiveness, Components of Cohesiveness, and Performance 45
Components of Cohesiveness and Different Criteria of Performance 49
Moderating Effect of Work Patterns among Cohesiveness and Performance 51
Conclusions & Suggestions 53
Conclusion 53
Contribution 56
Limitations & Suggestions 57
References 59
Appendix : Questionnaire 64
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