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博碩士論文 etd-0811116-211728 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0811116-211728
Using Mobile App For Personalized Hotel Recommendation
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Tokenization, Text mining, Sentiment Analysis, Hotel Recommendation, Part Of Speech Tagging
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接著利用文字探勘的技術,去對文字內容作處理,像是斷句、標詞性,除了利用lexicon based的方式找找出feature以及判斷句子的情緒分數,我們還利用Alchemy API來輔助我們判斷句子的情緒
為了要擷取出使用者對於旅館的偏好以及驗證我們推薦的績效,我們從Tripadvisor網站收集了台灣12個縣市,360間旅館共10690篇文章,並邀請了18位常常到旅館住宿的使用者來參與我們的實驗,我們使用Kendall’s tau b correlation以及Precision@N的方式來評估我們系統推薦的準確度

With the advance of mobile devices, the ways people use Internet have changed enormously. Mobile devices are capable of recording users’ behavior, such as locations visited, frequent online shopping stores, browsing history, and so on. The aim of this study is to utilize users’ browsing data on mobile devices and subsequently applying text mining techniques to recommend hotels to users.

Specifically, we design and implement an APP that allows its user to browse hotel reviews and records every gesture the user has performed. We then identified a subset of hotel reviews that the given user have shown interests depending on the different kinds of gestures he/she has performed. Text mining techniques are subsequently applied to construct the interest profile of the user based on the review content.

We collect 10,690 reviews of 360 hotels in Taiwan. 18 users are recruited to use our proposed APP and participate in the experiment. Experimental result demonstrates that our system have better performance than other approaches.
目次 Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1-Introduction 1
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Motivation 3

CHAPTER 2-Related Work 5
2.1. Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis 5
2.2 Mobile Information Retrieval 7
2.3. Hotel Recommender Systems 8

CHAPTER 3 - Natural Language Processing Tools 10
3.1 Tokenization 10
3.2 Part of Speech Tagging 10
3.3 Dependency Parser 11
3.4 Dependency chains 12
3.5 Sentiment Analysis 13
3.6 External Corpus 14

CHAPTER 4 - The Approach 16
4.1 Skeleton of Our Approach 16
4.2 User Profile Identification 18
4.2.1 Gathering Browsing Reviews 18
4.2.2 Determining the content of lines 20
4.2.3 Feature Detection 22
4.2.4 Calculate Feature’s Weight 24
4.3 Sentiment Analysis 26
4.4 Producing Score 28
4.4.1 Review Score 28
4.4.2 Producing a Personalized Score for a Hotel 30

CHAPTER 5 - Evaluation 31
5.1 Dataset Description 31
5.2 Experiment Design 33
5.3 Experiment Result 36
5.3.1 Precision@N 36
5.3.2 Kendall’s tau b correlation 39
5.3.3 Roc Curve 40

Chapter 6 - Conclusion 47

References 49

Figure 3 1 Example For Stanford Part of Speech Tagging 11
Figure 3 2 Example for Dependency Chains 12
Figure 4 1 Skeleton of the Approach 16
Figure 4 2UIScrollView contentOffset 19
Figure 4 3 Feature Detection Example 23
Figure 4 4 Weights of Individual Aspects 25
Figure 4 5 Review Score 29
Figure 4 6 Review Score 30
Figure 5 1 Number of Reviews by cities 32
Figure 5 2 Number of Reviews in Word Count 33
Figure 5 3 Mobile APP Screenshot 34
Figure 5 4 Experiment Website Screenshot 35
Figure 5 5 Example of Precision@5 37
Figure 5 6 Average precision@5 of the three methods 38
Figure 5 7 Average recall@5 of the three methods 39
Figure 5 8 Kendall’s tau b correlation 40
Figure 5 9 Top@5 Roc curve 44
Figure 5 10 Top@4 Roc curve 44
Figure 5 11 Top@3 Roc curve 45
Figure 5 12 Top@2 Roc curve 45
Figure 5 13 Top@1 Roc curve 46

Table 3 1 Feature List 15
Table 4 1 Log of User Movement 20
Table 5 1 Four kinds of relationship 41
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