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博碩士論文 etd-0812105-144834 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0812105-144834
新制度經濟學觀點論採購制度面與執行面之實務分析 -以某製造公司為例-
A Practical Analysis of Purchasing System and Its Implementation from the Viewpoint of New Institutional Economics-Example of A Manufacturing Company–
Year, semester
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Agent theory, Transaction cost, Purchasing system, Institutional change
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Purchase is an important link in business management. Practically, it covers the applications of various theories such as psychology, financial management, international trade, the science of law and other social sciences. However, owing to the relative conservative nature of purchase and the environment under which the ordinary enterprises lay particular stress on sales performance, the real effect of purchase is usually overlooked by enterprises when they receive good profits. In terms of the purposes of business growth and acquirement of market competitive advantages, no matter whether the core competitive power of a company is service, sale or production, or whether a company is of profit-making or non profit-making nature, a purchasing system with economic effect is an indispensable and basic appeal for the operation and management of the company.

The primary purpose of this study is to carry out academic study on the differences between theories and practices in the purchasing system and its implementation. The study tries to prove that the excellent “system” highly praised by the society is not only constructed on a single basis of “formal rules” with the theory of new institutional economics. It is believed that there are still other factors affecting the result of implementing the system.

Through researches, analysis, and comparison between the system and its practical implementation, this thesis finds that the study results are consistent with the three aspects of the new institutional economics: “informal limits”, “formal rules” and “institutional changes”. That means all drawbacks come from the failure of “informal limits” such as people’s code of conduct, norms of conduct, customs, culture, habits, etc. and loopholes found in the “formal rules” under limited norms. Meanwhile, if the root causes of such system failure can’t be found from the informal limits, even though we impose more restrictive conditions on the purchasing system and force it to produce an institutional change, the formal rules after such change are still insufficient to become the main tool for eliminating all drawbacks or an effective method for solving the corrupt practices.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
摘要------------------------------------------------------------ Ⅰ
誌謝詞---------------------------------------------------------- Ⅲ
目錄------------------------------------------------------------ IV
圖目錄---------------------------------------------------------- ⅤI
表目錄---------------------------------------------------------- ⅤII
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景及動機----------------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究目的----------------------------------------------- 1
第三節 研究範圍----------------------------------------------- 2
第四節 研究方法----------------------------------------------- 4
第五節 研究步驟與架構----------------------------------------- 4
第二章 文獻回顧
第一節 採購制度之相關文獻及定義-------------------------------- 7
一、採購之定義------------------------------------------ 7
二、制度之定義------------------------------------------ 8
三、採購制度之設計------------------------------------- 10
四、研究採購制度的相關論文回顧------------------------- 12
第二節 新制度經濟學理論--------------------------------------- 14
一、交易成本理論--------------------------------------- 14
二、代理理論------------------------------------------- 23
三、制度變遷理論--------------------------------------- 28
第三章 採購制度面探討--以某製造公司為例
第一節 研究個案公司簡介--------------------------------------- 36
第二節 採購制度面介紹----------------------------------------- 36
第三節 採購制度作業流程說明----------------------------------- 37
一、採購前置作業期------------------------------------- 39
二、採購作業期----------------------------------------- 44
三、交貨驗收結付期------------------------------------- 49
第四節 採購制度電腦系統整合運用------------------------------- 55
第五節 採購制度監督、防弊機制設計----------------------------- 58
第四章 採購制度實務執行面問題探討--以某製造公司為例
第一節 採購前置作業期實務探討--------------------------------- 64
第二節 採購作業期實務探討------------------------------------- 66
第三節 交貨驗收結付期實務探討--------------------------------- 69
第四節 採購實務執行問題說明----------------------------------- 72
第五節 採購制度之實務案例彙整--------------------------------- 74
第六節 改善策略研究說明--------------------------------------- 86
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究限制----------------------------------------------- 94
第二節 研究結論----------------------------------------------- 94
第三節 建議及結語--------------------------------------------- 95
英文文獻部份-------------------------------------------------- 97
中文文獻部份------------------------------------------------- 100
法院判例、新聞、書報部份------------------------------------- 102
附錄一採購人員自律要點--------------------------------------- 103
附錄二採購人員應注意事項------------------------------------- 104
附錄三中華民國政府採購人員倫理準則--------------------------- 108

圖 目 錄
圖1-1 研究個案採購業務組織圖------------------------------------- 3
圖1-2 研究架構流程圖-------------------------------------------- 6
圖2-1 制度經濟學家之行動資訊回路--------------------------------- 9
圖2-2 制度變遷之循環模型---------------------------------------- 31
圖3-1 採購業務作業流程圖---------------------------------------- 38
圖3-2 採購作業流程圖(採購前置作業期)-------------------------- 42
圖3-3 採購作業流程圖(採購作業期)------------------------------ 47
圖3-4 採購作業流程圖(交貨驗收結付期)-------------------------- 54
圖3-5 採購系統整合運用圖---------------------------------------- 57
圖3-6 監督、防弊機制檢舉關係圖---------------------------------- 59

表 目 錄
表2-1 研究採購制度的相關論文彙整-------------------------------- 13
表2-2 交易成本分類表-------------------------------------------- 17
表2-3 交易成本因素表-------------------------------------------- 22
表3-1 採購物料類別區分表---------------------------------------- 41
表3-2 經濟部所屬事業物料分類表---------------------------------- 43
表3-3 採購作業期工作管制時限表---------------------------------- 48
表4-1 行政院公共工程委員會「辦理政府採購人員
品德操守問卷調查」結果 ----------------------------------- 62
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