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博碩士論文 etd-0814111-150213 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0814111-150213
工作-家庭促進: 前因與後果
Work-Family Facilitation:The Antecedents and Consequences
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Work-family facilitation, work resources, banking employees, role performance, non-work resources
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This research follows the positive psychology to explore the synergies from playing multiple roles in Taiwanese banking employees’ life to expand the scope of work-family field by developing a work-family facilitation scale through qualitative interviews and quantitative questionnaires. The antecedents and outcomes of work-family facilitation were also included to further examine needed resources from both work and family domains to support the better role performance in each domain.
Two-stage survey study consisting separately 60 and 200 samples of each that was composed of three groups of samples (i.e. employees, their supervisors and spouses). Results revealed that, firstly, job autonomy as well as supportive supervisors help engender action- and development-based work-to-family facilitation; spouse practical support promote psychosocial-based family-to-work facilitation; Organisational citizenship behaviour were encouraged by development-based family-to-work facilitation. The insignificant results showed there may be other possible resources as well as consequences needed to be further uncovered, and the work-family facilitation scale is encouraged to be re-examined in the future. This study can not only measure the work-family facilitation but investigate the resources and outcomes relevant to the construct. Organisations may make good use of the mechanisms to re-allocate the current resources and practices to improve the effectiveness as well as convey the positive brand image to stakeholders.
目次 Table of Contents
謝 辭 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Overview of the work-family facilitation 2
1.3. The present study 3
2.1. The theoretical basis of work-family facilitation 7
2.2. Definition of work-family facilitation 11
2.3. The antecedents of work-family facilitation 17
2.4. The consequences of work-family facilitation 24
3.1. Overview 29
3.2. Study 1: Qualitative pilot study 29
3.3. Methods 31
3.4. Results 34
3.5. Study 2: Quantitative pilot study 36
3.6. Methods 36
3.7. Results 36
4.1. Overview of the empirical study 45
4.2. Methods 47
4.3. Results 49
4.4. Hypotheses test 55
4.5. The antecedents and consequences of work-to-family facilitation 57
4.6. The antecedents and consequences of family-to-work facilitation 58
5.1. The antecedents of work-family facilitation 62
5.2. The outcomes of work-family facilitation 65
5.3. Implications and limitations 65
Appendix 1. Outline of the Study 1 78
Appendix 2. Descriptive statistics for all analysis variables 79
Appendix 3.1. Questionnaire for Study 2-Employee 81
Appendix 3.2. Questionnaire for Study 2-Supervisor 85
Appendix 3.3. Questionnaire for Study 2-Spouse 87
Appendix 4.1. Questionnaire for Study 3-Employees 89
Appendix 4.2. Questionnaire for Study 3-Supervisor 93
Appendix 4.3. Questionnaire for Study 3-Spouse 95
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