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Title page for etd-0815106-115943
The effects of corporate citizenship image and reputation on organizational attractiveness to prospective employees
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organizational attractiveness, corporate citizenship image, reputation
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摘 要

無形的資產對企業來說,最常被提及的就是聲譽以及形象,在企業聲譽的部份;天下雜誌每一年都會定期進行企業聲望的調查,其中包含的評比項目主要經營的績效,聲望的高低影響了企業在大眾心目中的形象;由於經濟的發展,加上企業的國際化腳步,企業在決策上所牽涉的利害團體也越來越廣大,企業在進行決策,尤其是牽涉到公共議題時,思考的深度及廣度將不僅是企業本身的利益,更多的考量例如企業道德、守法性及管理手法都會影響到企業的形象,也就是企業組織需要對所存在的社會負起相當的責任,這就是企業公民的表現(Maignan and Ferrell, 2000)。

The reason why organizations attract potential employees has been studied for a long time, excellent human resources are relatively limit under tight labor market. Therefore businesses compete with each other at recruiting these employees, but only to increase the attractiveness of organization itself ultimately keeping advantage of appeal of talented people.

Talking about organizational attractiveness, corporate reputation and image first come to people’s mind. The reputation index conduct by CommonWealth magazine annually influences corporate reputation and image of the public. As the development of globalization, businesses have to concern more while making an important decision.Such as ethical, legal and discretionary concerns, so called corporate citizenship.

This study is intended to find relationship between corporate citizenship image, reputation and organizational attractiveness. 19 businesses are selected out form CommonWealth magazine 2006 corporate citizenship survey, 340 graduating master or bachelor students as responds. Results show that corporate citizenship image positively influence organizational attractiveness and there is a significance between high and low corporate citizenship image groups in reputation and organizational attractiveness.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Problem statement 5
1.3 Research Questions 6

Chapter Two Literature Review 7
2.1 Corporate Citizenship 8
2.2 Reputation 12
2.3 Organizational Attractiveness 16
2-4 Relationship between corporate citizenship and reputation 18
2.5 Relationship between reputation and Organizational Attractiveness 21
2.6 Relationship between corporate citizenship image and organizational attractiveness 23

Chapter Three Methodology 26
3.1 Study Framework 26
3.2 Hypothesis 26
3.3 Operational Definitions and Measures 27
3.4 Control variables 32
3.5 Selection of objective companies 33
3.6 Data analysis 33
3.7 Sample and Demographic Variable Analysis 35

Chapter Four Results 37
4.1 Correlation analysis 37
4.2 Role of reputation and corporate citizenship effects on organizational attractiveness 38
4.3 Control variables effects on corporate citizenship and organizational attractiveness 40
4.4 Differences on reputation and corporate citizenship groups on organizational attractiveness 41
4.5 Demographic profile and industries analysis on organizational attractiveness 43

Chapter Five Conclusions 45
5.1 Discussions 45
5.2 Practical Implications 47
5.3 Limitations 49
5.4 Suggestions for future study 50

References 51
Appendix I 57
Appendix II 58
Appendix III 59
Appendix IV 61
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